Binäre Optionen Strategy. Welcome zu unserem binären Optionen Strategie Abschnitt Hier finden Sie einen Anfänger Leitfaden für Strategien, die auf weiter fortgeschrittene Informationen über Dinge wie Geld-Management und Artikel über spezifische Strategien. Basis-Strategie für erfolgreiche Trading. Strategy ist einer der Wichtigste Faktoren für erfolgreiche Binäroptionen Trading Es ist der Rahmen, aus dem Sie Ihre Handelsentscheidungen, einschließlich Ihrer Geld-Management-Regeln, und wie Sie über Geld aus dem Markt gehen Es gibt keine Heiligen Gral leider, wenn es dann waren wir d Alle verwenden es. Die beiden sehr grundlegenden Kategorien von Strategie sind. Fundamental Strategien konzentrieren sich auf die zugrunde liegende Gesundheit von Unternehmen, Indizes, Märkte und Volkswirtschaften und während wichtig zu verstehen, ist nicht so wichtig für binäre Optionen wie der technische Aspekt des Handels. Technischer Handel oder technische Analyse, ist die Messung von Charts und Preis-Aktion, auf der Suche nach Mustern und machen gebildete Vermutungen, Spekulationen, Von diesen Messungen und Muster. Strategie vereinfacht Ihren Handel, nimmt Raten aus der Wahl der Einreise und reduziert das Gesamtrisiko. Die Textbuch-Definition liest wie folgt ein Aktionsplan, um ein Ziel oder ein Gesamtziel, die Kunst der Planung und Leitung von Operationen zu erreichen Um den Sieg zu erreichen Wenn es um den Handel geht, ist es, 1 Geld zu verdienen und 2 nicht Geld zu verlieren. Die Nummer eins Methode zur Erreichung dieses Ziels ist es, einen regelbasierten Ansatz zur Auswahl von Einträgen zu verwenden, die im Alter von alten, bewährten und technischen Techniken beruhen Analyse-Indikatoren Es gibt Dutzende, möglicherweise Hunderte, wenn nicht Tausende von Möglichkeiten, um den Markt zu handeln, alle Strategien Sie können in Bezug auf die verwendeten Werkzeuge kategorisiert werden, die Zeitrahmen beabsichtigt, die Menge an Risiko verbunden mit und viele andere Möglichkeiten, diese sind Die primäre. Preis Aktion Scalping Strategien Preis Aktion Strategien verlassen sich auf die Bewegung des Marktes auf Zeiteintragung Diese können Trend folgen oder nicht, lange oder kurzfristig und nutzen bullish oder bearish p Ositions. Trend Folgende Richtungsstrategien Trend nach Strategien Zielvermögen, die stark dazu beitragen, eine Reihe von profitable Einsendungen mit einer hohen Erfolgsrate zu lokalisieren. Range Bound Short Term Strategies 99 der Zeit der Markt oder ein einzelner Vermögenswert ist nicht Trends, sondern Handel in einem Bereich innerhalb einer hohen und niedrigen Marke Diese Strategien konzentrieren sich auf Unterstützung und Widerstand Ebenen, Umkehrungen innerhalb der Reichweite und kurzfristige Trends, wie Asset-Preise nach oben oder unten von der Unterstützung auf Widerstand und umgekehrt. Long Term Momentum Strategien Dies ist weniger Riskant von den Strategien, da sie stärkere Signale und längerfristige Zeitrahmen ansprechen Diese Signale haben eine höhere Erfolgschance, aber länger dauern, um sich zu entwickeln und länger zu entfalten als andere Arten von Signalen. Ein technischer Analysenindikator ist meist eine mathematische Formel, die Konvertiert Preis-Aktion in ein leicht zu lesen visuelles Format Häufige Arten von Indikatoren gehören, sind aber nicht beschränkt auf gleitende Durchschnitte, Trendlinien, Suppor T und Widerstand, Oszillatoren und japanische Candlesticks. Money Management. Strategy ist 1 der 2 Säulen des Risikomanagements, die andere ist Geld-Management Sie kontrollieren das Risiko durch die Ausrichtung nur gute Signale, weeding offensichtlich schlechte Signale, und nie setzen so viel Geld auf Ein Handel, dass es auslöschen wird Ihr Konto. Money Management ist die Kontrolle über Ihre gesamte Handelsfonds Es sollte klarstellen Handelsgröße und langfristige Finanzverwaltung verlassen Sie nur auf den Handel konzentrieren Eine gut durchdachte Geld-Management-Struktur sollte vereinfachen. A Trader Mit einem klaren Finanzplan sollte sich nicht darum kümmern, ob sie morgen handeln können oder ob ihre Handelsgröße korrekt ist oder wie sie Investitionen im Einklang mit ihrem Fortschritt wachsen lassen. Alle diese Entscheidungen werden durch die Verwaltung ihres Gesamtkapitals mit einem klaren Plan kontrolliert. Japanese Candlesticks. This ist die häufigste Methode der Anzeige von Preis-Charts Die Leuchter geben eine leicht zu lesen Ansicht der Preise, öffnen Sie hoch niedrig und schließen, das springt Aus den Charts in der Weise, dass keine andere Charting-Stil tun können Sie sind die Grundlage der meisten Preis-Action-Strategien und kann verwendet werden, um Signale zu geben sowie andere Indikatoren zu bestätigen. Support und Resistance. These sind Bereiche der Preis-Aktion auf dem Asset-Diagramm Die sind wahrscheinlich, um die Preise zu stoppen, wenn sie erreicht werden Support wird gefunden, wenn die Preise aufhören zu fallen, dies geschieht, wenn Käufer in den Markt treten und werden gesagt, dass die Preise werden Widerstand wird gefunden, wenn die Preise aufhören zu steigen, dies geschieht, wenn Verkäufer in den Markt oder Käufer Verschwinden und sollen den höheren Preisen widerstehen Diese Gebiete, die oft durch horizontale Linien repräsentiert werden, sind gute Ziele für Einsendungen und mögliche Bereiche, in denen sich die Preisaktion umkehren kann. Trend Lines. Diese Linien verbinden Höhen und Tiefen, die durch den Vermögenspreis gebildet werden, während sie sich nach unten bewegt Und seitlich Eine Reihe von höheren Tiefen und höheren Höhen gilt als ein Aufwärtstrend und ein Zeichen, dass die Preise sind wahrscheinlich höher zu bewegen, eine Reihe von niedrigeren Höhen und niedrigeren Tiefs gilt als ein Abwärtstrend und ein Zeichen, dass die Preise sich wahrscheinlich niedriger bewegen Die Trendlinie kann als Ziel für Unterstützung und Widerstand verwendet werden, sowie ein Einstieg für Trend nach Strategien. Moving Averages. Moving Durchschnitte nehmen einen Durchschnitt der Vermögenswerte Preise über X Anzahl der Tage und dann zeichnet diese Werte als eine Linie auf dem Preis Diagramm Moving Mittelwerte kommen in vielen Formen und werden oft verwendet, um Trend zu bestimmen, bieten Ziele für Unterstützung und Widerstand und um Einträge anzugeben Es gibt Dutzende von Methoden der Ableitung von gleitenden Durchschnitten, Die häufigsten beinhalten einfache Umzugsdurchschnitte, exponentielle Verschiebungsdurchschnitte, volumengewichtete Bewegungsdurchschnitte und vieles mehr Sie können in jedem Zeitrahmen verwendet werden und auf einen beliebigen Zeitrahmen für eine Mehrfachzeitrahmenanalyse setzen und Crossover-Signale geben. Oszillatoren können die Einstgrößte Aufteilung der Indikatoren für die technische Analyse verwendet werden Sie gehören Werkzeuge wie MACD, stochastischen, RSI und viele, viele andere Diese Werkzeuge, im Allgemeinen verwenden Preis-Aktion und gleitende Durchschnitte in Eine Kombination von Möglichkeiten zur Bestimmung der Marktgesundheit Sie werden als eigenständiges Werkzeug angezeigt, in der Regel als eine Linie, die zwischen zwei Extremen oder oberhalb und unterhalb eines Mittelpunkts liegt, die dazu beitragen können, Trend, Richtung, Widerstandsfähigkeit, Marktstärke, Impuls und Einstiegssignale. Trading Psychology. With jede Form des Handels, kann die Psychologie einen großen Teil spielen Ein Mangel an Vertrauen kann bedeuten, verpasst Trades, oder investieren zu wenig Kapital in Gewinne Trades Am anderen Ende des Spektrums, Über-Vertrauen kann zu über führen Handel oder erhöhtes Risiko, von denen ein Konto sehr schnell abwischen könnte. So die Handelspsychologie des Händlers ist sehr wichtig Es kann auch aktiv kontrolliert oder verwaltet werden, zumindest, anerkannt Es ist ein weiteres oft übersehen Bereich des Handels Geschick, aber Eine lohnt sich zu verbringen Zeit zu prüfen. Lesen Sie mehr auf Handelspsychologie und Lernen aus Erfahrung. A Grundlegende Binäre Optionen Strategie. Hier ist ein Beispiel für einige grundlegende Regeln für eine binäre Optionen Strategie Rend ist dein Freund, nur nehmen Trend nach Einträgen. In einem Aufwärtstrend nur geben, wenn die Preise in der Nähe der Unterstützung sind, in einem Abwärtstrend nur eingeben, wenn die Preise in der Nähe Widerstand sind. Wenn die Preise sind in der Nähe Unterstützung Widerstand warten auf eine bestätigende Candlestick Signal. Wenn das Candlestick Signal Erscheint warten auf stochastischen und / oder MACD zu bestätigen, eine bullish Crossover in einem Aufwärtstrend oder eine bärige Crossover in einem Abwärtstrend. Wenn die Regeln 1 bis 4 erfüllt sind, geben Sie den Handel, nur 3 von Konto auf jedem Handel verwenden. Wenn Sie wählen, verwenden Sie 2XCandle Länge IE, wenn Sie 1 Minute Kerzen dann 2 Minuten Verfall verwenden, wenn 1 Stunde Kerzen dann 2 Stunden Ablauf. Wenn der Handel nicht untersucht, warum es nicht funktioniert, machen Sie die Anpassung, wenn nötig und gehen Sie zum nächsten Handel Wenn der Handel funktioniert Gehen auf die nächste trade. Top Brokers. No Strategie wird profitabel sein, wenn Sie mit einem unzuverlässigen Broker Handel Dies sind unsere Top-empfohlenen Handelsplattformen für das Ausprobieren Ihrer Strategie. Choosing eine Trading-Strategie. Developing eine Handelsstrategie Für den Binäroptionsmarkt ist ein wichtiges Verständnis dafür erforderlich, wie der Markt in Bezug auf die verfügbaren Handelsverträge, die verschiedenen Verfallzeiten und das Verständnis des Verhaltens der einzelnen Vermögenswerte funktioniert. Anders als der Devisenmarkt, in dem sich der Vermögenswert in einem bewegen muss Richtung oder die andere durch eine nennenswerte Anzahl von Pips an den Händler s Bevorzugung vor Gewinne gemacht werden, ist die binäre Optionen Markt ist eigenartig Abgesehen von der Up-Down-Handel, die auf der Richtung basiert und imitiert die Anforderungen der Trades in anderen Märkten außer der Pip Bewegungen, andere Handelsarten im Binäroptionsmarkt funktionieren völlig unterschiedlich Es gibt verschiedene Handelsverträge für verschiedene Plattformen Einige Binäroptionen Verträge erfordern nicht einmal den Händler, um die Richtung des Vermögenswertes richtig zu erhalten. Zum Beispiel muss der Handel mit dem OUT-Vertrag benötigt werden Der Vermögenswert, um eine Preisgrenze zu treffen oder die andere für den Gewinn zu machen, so dass der Händler in der Lage ist, einen geeigneten Handelsvertrag zu identifizieren In der Lage sein, eine geeignete Strategie zu gestalten Was ist verwendet, um den Up-Down-Vertrag zu handeln ist nicht dasselbe, wie es für den In-Out-Vertrag verwendet wird. Die Vertragsart wird die Strategie bestimmen. Zum Beispiel wird der Handel mit dem Up-Down-Vertrag eine Strategie erfordern Kann bestimmen, ob der Asset eine bullish oder bearish Bewegung Trading the In Out Vertrag erfordert entweder eine Reihe Handelsstrategie oder eine Breakout-Handelsstrategie zu identifizieren, eine Zeit, wenn der Vermögenswert bleibt in einem Bereich oder bricht aus dieser Bereich Wenn Sie suchen Um eine Handelsstrategie für die In-Out-Handel zu entwickeln, ist dies, wie Ihr Verstand sollte arbeiten. In der Entwicklung einer Strategie auf der Grundlage der binären Optionen Handelstypen gehandelt werden, gibt es Werkzeuge, die den Händler unterstützen können Dies ist, wo Diagrammmuster signalisiert Dienstleistungen Leuchter und technische Indikatoren kommen in Ein einfaches Werkzeug wie der Pivotpunktrechner kann als Teil einer TOUCH Handelsstrategie mit sehr effektiven Ergebnissen verwendet werden. Mit Werkzeugen wie diesen werden wir uns an die Der nächste Teil der Auswahl einer Strategie, die ist, wie zu verstehen und zu setzen Verfallzeiten. Unterstanding Expiry Times. Expiry Zeiten sind sehr wichtig, um binäre Optionen, denn alle Trades in diesem Markt haben Zeitlimits Allerdings nicht alle Binär Optionen Trades erfordern Zeitlimits zu Erfolgreich sein Trades wie die Up Down Trades müssen vor Ablauf des Handelsergebnisses ausgelaufen sein. Im Gegensatz dazu müssen Trades wie die OUT-Komponente des Grenzehandels oder die TOUCH-Komponente des High Yield Touch - oder Touch No Touch-Handelsvertrages nicht unbedingt erreichen Reife vor dem Ergebnis des Handels ist bekannt Wenn ein Händler auf ein TOUCH-Ergebnis setzt und der Vermögenswert den Ausübungspreis gut vor dem Verfall berührt, ist das Handelsergebnis bereits bekannt und der Handel wird als rentabel beendet. So, wenn der Händler nicht ist Sehr gut bei der Einstellung Ablauf Zeit Termine und wirklich, kein Händler auf dem Markt kann sich rühmen, seine Verfall Einstellungen richtig die ganze Zeit hier, die binäre Optionen Trading-Strategie müssen tailo sein Rot in Richtung Handelsverträge, die nicht völlig expiry-abhängig sind. Jetzt, wenn Sie identifizieren und trennen Trades, die nicht so abhängig von Ablauf von denen, die sind, können Sie besser verstehen, welche Art von Strategie, die Sie suchen würde. Unterstand Asset Behaviour. The Binärer Optionsmarkt kombiniert Vermögenswerte von verschiedenen Assetklassen zu einem Markt Diese Vermögenswerte verhalten sich nicht gleich Einige Vermögenswerte sind mit großen Intraday-Bewegungen sehr volatil Ein sehr klares Beispiel ist Gold Einige Binäroptionen werden nicht rund um die Uhr gehandelt, sondern nur zu bestimmten Zeiten wie zB Aktienindizes Die Faktoren, die einen massiven Umzug in einem Aktienindex auslösen könnten, wären offensichtlich nicht gleich für eine Ware oder eine Währung. Auch innerhalb der gleichen Anlageklasse sind keine zwei Instrumente genau die gleichen oder verhalten sich gleich. Ein Verständnis des Vermögensverhaltens ist Daher Schlüssel zu in der Lage, eine Handelsstrategie für den Markt zu entwickeln Es ist bis zu dem Händler, das Verhalten von Vermögenswerten zu studieren, verstehen die technischen und Spaß Schadensindikatoren, die das Verhalten und die Preisbewegung dieses Vermögenswertes beeinflussen und dann eine Handelsstrategie schaffen, die für diesen Asset funktionieren wird. In diesem Abschnitt werden wir die Anwendung aller Parameter, die wir oben erwähnt haben, mit einem einfachen, aber effektiven Handel demonstrieren Strategie. Die Strategie, die wir verwenden, bestimmt Preis bullishness bearishness, so werden wir einen Call Put Vertrag handeln. Wir werden die Strategie auf einem einstündigen Chart zu handeln, so wird es ein Ablauf von einer Stunde haben Wir tun dies mit unserem Verständnis, dass die Effekt, den wir auf dem Stunden-Chart handeln wollen, wird in einer Stunde passieren. Wir wollen das auf einem Vermögenswert verwenden, der flüssig ist und auf die Strategie reagiert. So werden wir die EURUSD verwenden. Die Strategie wurde verwendet, um eine farbcodierte zu erstellen Indikator, der einen grünen Pfeil auf bullish Signale und einen roten Pfeil für bärische Signale zeigt Es zielt darauf ab, die EURUSD zu handeln, weil diese Währung sehr gut reagiert auf Preisreize während der Londoner New Yorker Überschneidung in der Forex-Zeitzone und der Antwort kann in einer Stunde geliefert werden. Sobald der rote Pfeil wie oben gezeigt erschien, war das Signal, eine PUT-Option auf der Call Put Digital Option zu handeln. Mit diesem Signal wurde der Handel auf der Binäroptionsplattform ausgeführt. Der Preis der Asset EURUSD fiel in einer Stunde von der Zeit an, als das Signal zum Verfall entstand und ein Handelsergebnis in unserem Favour produzierte. Diese Strategie eine kundenspezifische Strategie erfüllte alle unsere Bedingungen. a Es war für einen Handelsvertrag auf dem binären Optionen market. b geeignet Es war eine Strategie, die geeignet war, dem Händler dabei zu helfen, einen passenden Auslauf zu benutzen. Es war für das Verhalten des Vermögenswerts geeignet und vor allem die STRATEGIE WAR EINE GEWINNBARE ONE. IQ Option Visit.24Option Visit. EZTrader Visit. Marketsworld Besuchen Sie. Binäre Optionen mit Crown Option. 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So, was genau sind sie behaupten G werden Sie durch die Registrierung für die Bullish University scam Die Idee ist, dass Sie für ihren Dienst registrieren, die übrigens, Sie haben keine Ahnung, wie viel es kostet, wie Sie haben, um Ihre Daten zu erhalten, um eine Preisstruktur zu erhalten Sobald Sie Erhalten Sie dies, werden Sie feststellen, dass es die Kosten für den Makler und die Kosten für Ben Newman s Dienstleistungen Wie viel das kostet, haben Sie keine Ahnung, bis Sie für Ihre Struktur gefragt Sie werden dann mit dem teuersten Makler, der hat, Beschlossen, mit Ben zu arbeiten, was bedeutet, dass er die höchste Provision möglich ist, bevor er sogar einen Finger anhebt. Sobald du aus einem Paar großartig erpresst wurdest, musst du dann noch mehr Zeit warten, um herauszufinden, ob du Glück hatte, mich zu registrieren Als einer der ersten 100 Abonnenten der Bullish University Betrug, um in der Lage sein, die kostenlosen Webinare so hoch auf ihrer Website beworben zu bekommen. Für diejenigen von Ihnen, die nicht wissen, ist Ben Newman nicht neu für binäre Optionen überhaupt er verwendet Mit Erfolg verbunden sein Software, wie zB OptionBot, OptionBot 2, Trend Expert und XE Trade Dies ist, bis er gierig geworden ist und grundsätzlich ein paar dieser binären Optionen signalisiert, indem sie ihre Kunden und ihre Systeme stehlen, um sein eigenes System zu schaffen Jetzt wissen sie als die Bull-Universität Wenn Ben seine Partner für seinen eigenen persönlichen Gewinn beinahe ruinieren kann, was hältst du davon ab, dass ich Bargeld und Laufen behalte. Hier sind ein paar Fakten, die dir beweisen, dass Ben Newman nicht vertraut werden kann, und auch nicht Kann die so genannte Bullish University Betrug Vergangenheit der Tatsache, dass er seine früheren Partner hängen trocken gelassen, behauptet er auch, dass er bietet zwei Webinar Präsentationen während des Tages, die Ihnen beibringen, wie Sie auf Ihrem zugeordneten Broker handeln Wir haben bestätigt, dass Die Webinare, sollten Sie glücklich genug sein, um eine der 100 Anmeldungen zu sein, um einen Punkt zu erhalten, den Sie wieder nicht finden werden, bis Sie Ihre Einzahlung gemacht haben, sind nicht so rentabel wie man hätte gedacht, die Webinare y Ou sehen während des Tages sind meist voraufgezeichnet, und wenn Sie näher kommen, werden Sie feststellen, dass die meisten von ihnen bricht nur über sogar, oder verlieren Sie erhalten die ungerade Bullish University scam Win-Webinar, aber sie sind weit und wenige zwischen und die meisten Sicherlich nicht genug, um Ihre Verluste bei früheren Gelegenheiten auszugleichen Wir haben auch gehört, dass Sie nur Zugang zu einer gewissen Anzahl von Webinaren von Ihnen haben, sind so glücklich und müssten dann eine erhebliche Menge an Geld bezahlen, um den Zugang zu behalten Es gibt einen Weg, um binäre Optionen erfolgreich zu lernen, und die Wahrheit ist, können Sie dies mit einer kleinen Spende für jede Wohltätigkeitsorganisation Ihrer Wahl tun, und Sie werden dann in Afzal s Webinare beitreten die einzige echte Trader zu 10 10 ITM bekommen Live Trading Ergebnisse. Andere Ausgabe, die eine große NO ist die Tatsache, dass Ben Newman nannte sein System die Bullish University Software, die Sie nicht erlaubt sind, es sei denn, Sie haben die richtige Lizenzierung und Papierkram, die alle Ihre Aktivitäten von Werbung zu decken würde R Unning the courses Wir haben eine schnelle Suche nach allem, was wir finden konnten, und leider keine Registrierung irgendwelcher Art, und Sie werden nicht in der Lage sein, Qualifikation mit diesem Kurs zu erhalten, da sie nicht so arbeiten, werden Sie glücklich zu nehmen Jeder offizielle von der Website whatsoever. Here ist eine weitere interessante Tatsache für Sie Während des Pitches von Ben auf seine Bullish University Betrug gegeben werden, können Sie deutlich hören, dass er sagt, dass er Menschen Geld für eine ganze Weile jetzt gemacht hat Aber wenn Sie die Website scrollen Sie bemerken, dass einige dieser so genannten Zeugnisse und Rezensionen bis zum Juni 2016 zurückreichen, aber wenn Sie das Alter der Domain auf die Notiz suchen, wie die Software erst seit Juli 2016 verfügbar war. Die beiden Bewertungen wurden gefälscht, sowie alle Wort, das von Ben gesprochen wird. Für jemanden, der so gut im Handel sein soll, dass er jemanden lehren kann, der zum Handel registriert, ist er sicherlich nicht sehr klug. Obwohl wir ohne Zweifel wissen, dass die Bullish University sy Stamm ist Betrug aufgrund unserer umfangreichen Kontakte in der Binär-Optionen-Industrie, hier ist ein paar weitere Fakten über das Scam-System Beachten Sie, wie er beschlossen, eine Stimme zu verwenden, das ist eine sehr billige Art, Dinge zu tun, da es die Zeit schneidet Von Kosten und Zeit der Bearbeitung, die wir auch als einen sehr großen Betrug fühlen, da die meisten Betrugssysteme den leichten Weg nehmen, und das hat sich immer wieder bewiesen. Ben Newman gibt Ihnen keine genauen Details der Kosten und genau Was Sie erhalten werden, bis Sie eine Einzahlung machen, was bedeutet, dass es keine Transparenz innerhalb des Systems gibt, und persönlich empfehlen wir niemandem jedem System, das keine vollständigen Details für jeden Händler geben kann. Ihre Forschung ist sehr wichtig, besonders wenn Sie kommen Über Systeme wie die Bullish University Betrug, wie es noch einmal bewiesen ist, dass Sie einige echte miserable Menschen da draußen finden, die buchstäblich alles tun wird, um Sie von Ihrem hart verdienten Geld zu berauben. Anonyme Bewertung Schlussfolgerung Bullish Universität von Ben Newman ist eine SCAMplete-Liste der Binär-Optionen SCAMS von Binary Options Anonymes Team. Für Hilfe kämpfen die die Betrug Broker Ben Newman ist mit verbunden, kontaktieren Sie uns für Hilfe bei und wir helfen Ihnen, ohne einen Dollar zu laden Wir sind hier, um die Industrie zu schützen , Entlarvt und zerstöre die bösen Jungs, die die Industrie mit gefälschten und irreführenden automatisierten Diensten, Webinaren und manuellen Signalen aller Art bedanken. Vielen Dank für das Lesen dieser unvoreingenommene Überprüfung und achten Sie darauf, es zu teilen, wenn Sie mit einem der Opfer von Ben Newman vertraut sind. Lesen Sie diesen wichtigen Code Fibo Review von unserem anonymen Team Ist es ein Betrug oder eine legitime Software Es ist zu unserer Aufmerksamkeit gekommen, dass noch ein Binäroptik-Autohändler freigegeben wurde und da wir niemals irgendwelche Systeme auf unserer Seite unterstützen, haben wir keine Veröffentlichen Sie die Wahrheit, und stellen Sie die Betrügereien für das, was sie sind Mit diesem Wesen, haben wir die Code-Fibo-Software aufgrund seiner plötzlichen Popularität, um unsere wahren und vertrauenswürdigen zu untersuchen Konto, was er Auto Trader ist wirklich in der Lage, und wenn dies ist noch ein Betrug, dass Händler sollten sich gut klar von Sicherstellen, dass Sie lesen unsere vollständige Überprüfung, und nur dann entscheiden, ob Sie mit der Registrierung eines Kontos auf der Website gehen sollte Sind die Code-Fibo-Software mit einem einzigartigen Design namens Fibonacci-Strategie Dies ist definitiv die erste von ihnen s Art, die wir gesehen haben Für diejenigen von Ihnen, die neu sind, um entweder binäre Optionen oder Forex wird wahrscheinlich von Fibonacci in Mathematik gehört haben , Aber vielleicht nicht bewusst sein, die Fibonacci Trading-Strategie vor jetzt Aber für diejenigen, die erfolgreich handeln seit einiger Zeit jetzt, wird wissen, dass die Fibonacci-Methode ist eine der mächtigsten Strategien derzeit bei Tag Trader und Big Banking Konzerne verwendet Kombiniert sowohl seine Fibonacci-Strategie neben dem Goldenen Ratio, konnte er wirklich in das mathematische und natürliche Phänomen tippen diese beiden Entdeckungen haben gemeinsam. Prof Essor Matthew Lewis arbeitet mit der Fibonacci-Strategie zusammen und kombiniert sie mit dem Goldenen Verhältnis für die letzten 5 Jahre. Sein Ziel war es, ein System zu schaffen, das nicht nur erfolgreich in einem Markt tätig ist, sondern alle Arten von Märkten Seine Fibonacci-Arbitrage-Strategie genau Vorhersage Richtung, Preis Punkt und Zeit für jeden Vermögenswert Es wurde auch sorgfältig entworfen, um zu berücksichtigen, Menge Stimmung, wie am Ende des Tages Trades platziert werden von Menschen, und daher Menschen sind die Ursache der Marktrichtungen. Lead Programmierer Carl Leary hatte eine Mission, um die Code-Fibo-Software zu entwerfen, um einfach zu verwalten, unter Berücksichtigung der einzigartigen Strategie recherchiert und entworfen von der Professor Er schuf die dreidimensionalen Analysen verwendet, um die Auto-Trader, um verwendet werden, um manuell und automatisch handeln verwendet werden So dass die Code-Fibo-Lösung von neuen Händlern im Binäroptionsmarkt leicht verwaltet werden kann, da es keine komplizierten Einstellungen oder Prozeduren gibt Ollow. Exactly wie einfach ist es, die CodeFibo App zu betreiben Die Einstellungen und Funktionen, die Ihnen auf der Plattform zur Verfügung stehen, sind sehr einfach und ganz einfach zu folgen Die Ergebnisse, die Sie während des Handels erhalten, ist alles auf die Höhe des Risikos, das Sie bereit sind Nehmen Wenn Sie neu sind, um binäre Optionen zu handeln, empfehlen wir Ihnen, mit minimalem Risiko zu beginnen und von dort zu gehen. Wir empfehlen daher, dass Sie beginnen, indem Sie Ihre Signalstärke auf nicht weniger als 85 einstellen und Ihr Risiko auf nicht mehr als 3, wenn Sie Erstes Start von der Menge, die gesetzt wird, werden wir das bis zu Ihnen beurteilen, um zu beurteilen, da jeder ein anderes Startbudget hat. Sobald Ihr Konto gestiegen ist, erst dann raten wir Ihnen, Ihre Einstellungen für größere Gewinne anzupassen. Was ist realistisch und wirklich möglich Handel mit dem Code Fibo Software Eine Sache ist sicher, und das ist, dass Sie nie in der Nähe der 97 von Prof Matthew während seiner Präsentation gegeben werden, es sei denn, Sie haben eine beträchtliche Menge an Handelserfahrung hinter Ihnen Wir h Ave festgestellt, dass die CodeFibo App erfolgreich generiert und einfach 81 Gewinne konsequent, und einige der Händler, die ihr Feedback gegeben haben, können auch bezeugen, wenn Sie wenig zu keiner Erfahrung im Handel binäre Optionen haben, dann raten wir sehr, dass Sie nur das Auto verwenden Trader auf sie s volle Auto-Einstellung, bis Sie genug Erfahrung gewonnen haben. So was macht uns so sicher, dass die Code Fibo-Software ist kein Betrug Nun einfach wirklich, wie bisher sated wir nicht unterstützen jedes System oder Software auf dieser Website whatsoever, So haben wir buchstäblich nichts zu verlieren, indem wir die Wahrheit reden und die Betrügereien für das, was sie sind, aber was wir mit dem CodeFibo Autohändler gefunden haben, ist, dass es keine der Betrugselemente gibt, die mit der Webseite oder dem System verbunden sind Nicht verwendet 1 Fiverr Schauspieler während ihrer Präsentation oder irgendwo auf der Webseite, die verwendeten Bilder sind real, und vor allem gibt es keine über die Spitze über übertriebene Aussagen irgendwo gemacht werden Der Code Fibo Software hat die Fähigkeit, die Fibonacci Arbitrage-Strategie zu kombinieren, das Goldene Verhältnis, neben der Kronenstimmung, erlaubt es, sich wirklich an den Märkten zu verändern, anstatt stagnierend zu werden oder gegen die Märkte zu gehen. Dies ist einer der größten Gründe, Händler scheitern, nachdem alle Sie alle wurden entworfen, um einen bestimmten Trend oder Algorithmus zu folgen, aber das Problem tritt auf, wenn es ein großes ökonomisches Ereignis gibt, oder Nachrichten didn t genau so gehen, wie es war, was erlaubt, dass der Code Fibo Autohändler zu Gegen alle diese Vorkommnisse. Wir haben bis jetzt wirklich genossen Handel mit der Code Fibo Software, und wir erwarten, dass das System erheblich gut in die Zukunft zu tun Es s auch durch den Code gelesen Fibo Review für weitere Details Es ist nicht oft, dass Systeme Wie der Code Fibo Auto Trader kommt über unseren Schreibtisch, und da wir nichts zu verlieren oder gewinnen durch unsere Bewertungen, wünschen wir, dass dies war häufiger auftreten Wir raten, dass Sie vertrauenswürdigen Tag Trader folgen S, wenn es um neue Systeme geht, die gestartet werden, und tun Sie Ihre Forschung, weil die Chancen sind, wenn sie mit einem bestimmten Autohändler profitieren, so werden Sie. Wir ermutigen Sie, Ihre Rückmeldung unter dieser Überprüfung zu teilen, denken Sie, dass es ein legitim ist Weg zum Handel Wie ist Ihre Erfahrung Burnt out von anderen Betrug, können Ihre Kommentare wirklich helfen Für alle anderen Fragen öffnen wir unsere Arme für alle, die Fragen im Zusammenhang mit binären Optionen hat, ist unsere E-Mail Vielen Dank für das Lesen unserer Code Fibo Review und besuchen Sie bitte Unsere Scam-Liste für alle die neuesten Industrie FAILS. It hat uns unsere Aufmerksamkeit, dass es eine neue binäre Optionen Auto Trader veröffentlicht wird durch den Namen Crunch Tech im Besitz und entwickelt von Rich Paulson und David Avery Die Frage wird jetzt ist diese Auto-Händler Ein SCAM Wie die meisten von euch wissen, dass wir völlig unparteiisch sind und keine Software oder einen Makler anfangen und deshalb kein Problem haben, irgendetwas zu betrügen, wenn wir es finden, wenn es ein echtes und Truste ist D Meinung über die Software sicher sein, lesen Sie unsere vollständige Überprüfung first. Can Wetter wirklich beeinflussen Marktbewegungen Diese Theorie ist eine, die diskutiert wurde und recherchiert seit Jahren Bis jetzt viele haben versucht und versäumt, in der Lage, die beiden richtig zu verknüpfen haben Sie funktionieren als ein Neo2 sah die erste dieser Art von Technologie beeinflussen, und ist nicht überraschend, dass ein anderes Unternehmen wie Crunch Technology konnte nun erfolgreich synchronisieren Wetter und finanzielle Daten zusammen Crunch Tech Software auf der gleichen Idee wie basiert Neo2 kommt aus einem völlig anderen Winkel und glaubt es oder nicht verwendet verschiedene Daten, um das System arbeiten profitabel. Rick und David kommen aus ganz anderen Hintergründen nach dem Verlassen College, die sie das beste Team, das sie heute sind, und gab ihnen die Möglichkeit, Entwickeln die Crunch Tech Software Herr Paulson kommt aus dem Hintergrund der Arbeit für Planet IQ, der der größte kommerzielle Datenlieferant in GPS-Technologie und Wetter ist Ensors, war in der Lage, seine Leidenschaft und Vergangenheit Erfahrung in seiner früheren Beschäftigung zu wagen, um die Schaffung der Crunch Tech Auto Trader David auf der anderen Seite, die ein großes Interesse an Computer-Programmierung als Kind hatte, und beschlossen, in die Finanzindustrie zu bewegen, spezialisiert In Futures, Optionen und algorithmischen Handel, war der eigentliche Schlüssel für die Datenanalyse von Paul und seine Programmierung und Synchronisation Fähigkeiten setzen alles zusammen für die Captain Crunch Theory, und schuf die Crunch Tech Software. Die Crunch Tech Software ist zu sein able to generate profits of no less than 89 per hour or between 400 to 1000 per day depending on the amount of money you decide to deposit with the auto trader The amounts are totally achievable and we have had this confirmed by both our own trading experience with the auto trader as well as feedback from a few beta testers that we are aware of who got the opportunity to try the system release You will not win every trade placed by the Crunch Tech auto trader, but you should know that since no software is 100 accurate Ideally you are looking to generate around 85 win ratio with the system, but again this tends to differ a little bit in a couple of percentage depending on the amount of hours you trade. Benefits of trading with Crunch Tech Software. Up to 85 Win Ratio. Potential earnings of up to 89 per hour. Possible earnings of 400 to 1000 per day.90 Days Free Trial period. No Experience needed. System created to benefit ordinary people. The thing that makes Crunch Tech software different from most other binary options auto traders is the fact that they are able to generate thousands of bits of data every second, allowing them to not only analyse market data, but the fact that they have access to weather data weeks and months in advance can accurately predict movements of today Not only that, the interface and trading platform has been designed to be simplistic and easy to manage There is practically only two steps to foll ow once you already have your account registered with the Crunch Tech software, which are 1 Login to your account, and 2 activate the auto trade mode That is basically all that is required to operate the software correctly. Based on our ITM results with the Crunch Tech software we know it is able generate easily between 2500 to 4500 per week This is our mind makes the 790 per month licencing fee completely affordable and worth it Another thing that we liked about presentation and the website is the fact that there are no fake testimonials, no fiverr actors, and no stock photos, nothing that would discredit them from being a trusted and respected binary options auto trader. Rick and David saw a gap in the market for both their expertise and rightly took the opportunity to sit together and create develop programme the successful Crunch Tech auto trader currently available to anyone looking to make a success in binary trading As most of our subscribers know, we do not endorse systems softwa re s or brokers but simply write reviews our own experience and the great feedback we receive from other traders If you have any questions regarding the auto trader or anything relating to the Crunch Tech software you can get in touch via we also ask that you send us your feedback and views if you do decide to register with the system We will continue trading with the software, and give our most up to date updates as we go along If you are unsure whether this is for you, be sure to check back as we will give further accounts of our trading account. The newly released NEO2 software by Dr Jack Piers, PhD is getting a lot of attention, read this honest review if you are considering to join The most interesting part about this innovation is the integration of Weather Forecasting and Online Trading, we ve seen many binary options systems but this is the first one to really impressed us in so many ways This is the type of software that doesn t fail you after a few hours or days if you are luc ky. We mainly expose scam services and definitely not in the business of promotion at but NEO2 is an Automated System that really stood out and captivated our interest from the first moment we decided to put it to the test NEO2 was first introduced to us by Michael Freeman, who is part of the project as a leading binary options expert and a very influential figure in the industry Along with Dr Jack Piers, Amit Gutpa, Lead Programmer and William Van Loon NEO2 Chief Financial Officer Investor they innovated this fresh concept and created a software that is suitable for beginners and expert traders, with 3 simple functions that we ll get into shortly. As Michael Freeman and Dr Jack Piers, PhD mentioned in the NEO2 Introduction video, by using Solar, Weather and Environmental factors and merging them with today s cutting edge binary options auto-trading technology, it s possible to predict the price movements of commodities in particular These factors play a big role in the price changes of commodities and it s possible detect climate activities, days or even weeks in advance Essentially, with Jack Piers extensive knowledge in Weather Forecasting and his previous experience with NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration combined with Mike s Automated technology, they managed to create an auto-trader that takes live data from weather forecasting satellites and produce automated signals based on more than simple technical analysis, or the average scam sites we re seen being advertised to the masses. Based on our initial 3 weeks testing we managed to obtain a winning rate of over 85 ITM, just as indicated by the NEO2 developers The software is very simple to use and the 3 main functions include.1 The Solar Tracker can be easily activated by clicking on the NEO2 Sync button This will allow weather Satellites to track activities in real time 2 By clicking on the Trade Algo Button users can activate the Auto-Trading Function 3 Once NEO Sync and Trade Algo light up yel low, just click on the big button Start Now to allow the software to commence trading on your behalf. The interface and programming is user-friendly and simple, allowing beginner and advanced traders to use it without any difficulties thanks to the Lead Programmer Amit Gutpa What really sets NEO2 apart from other automated systems is the latency , which is the speed at which data is processed In the latency is virtually non-existent Literally thousands of bits of information are being processed within milliseconds using this highly sophisticated, yet simple to use, automated software. Is there a catch with the NEO2 Software It s not much of a catch but a straight forward fact, the idea is to get this project on and once its on Kick Starter, activating this software will come at an annual fee of 7,900 Members who join before NEO2 is featured on will continue to receive free access to the software without this additional payment We understand that it s very important for all parties who ar e involved in the creation of this innovation to make sure that it receives good endorsements and reviews before they can charge money In a competitive industry where scam services offer free life type access , day-traders should be aware that nothing is free forever unless it s just a fraud. Based on the ITM results, we know that it s possible to generate between 3000- 4000 per week with therefore even if you decide to register after the initial testing phase, we are confident that it s worth the annual fee For now, you are not requirement to pay, no rushing tactics to get you to sign-up today, certainly no limited members or scam actors are involved, NEO2 is really one of a kind and we encourage binary options traders to give it a shot and you won t be disappointed Please comment below our NEO2 Review if you have any questions, comments or feedback. You can also reach us at is available world-wide Must be over 18 to join BO Anonymous Review Conclusion NEO2 Software is not a scam. Which automated scam is worst, Trade X Confidential or Limitless Profits This review will make it easier for you to decide If you re at a crossroad, thinking to invest online with one of the two, think again because your money is at serious risk The websites and by Paul Reed and Roger Clifford respectively, are examples of money-making schemes aka fraud operations The two auto-traders in question were exposed in many reviews on YouTube and several forums, but you got to watch out because there are many blogs out there that are getting paid to promote one of the two, so they have an incentive to lie to you. At we do not promote any signals services or binary options brokers, we remain as neutral and unbiased as we can and do not engaged in paid advertising of any kind We already found two credible reviews exposing Trade X Confidential and Limitless Profits, so for detailed information on how the systems are using actors from snapshots from Stock-Images sites and other clear warning signs visit. We have clear evidence to debunk the scam sites and if you don t believe us, just read the above reviews and you ll be shocked So let s quickly go over some of the warning signs for each system and then we can determine which one is absolutely worst, keep in mind that in both cases you will definitely lose your entire investment. Trade X Confidential SCAM Facts. was Created at the beginning of March, 2016.Fake Beta Testers in the form of snapshots on the 2nd page. is their top recommended broker, one of the worst scams. Pual Reed attempts to extort members to invest more on the 2nd video, highly lame. Promises to get you a 100 Winning Rate, keep dreaming. Limitless Profits SCAM Facts. Verified Millionaires of are fake, as exposed on. Roger Clifford is a real jerk and obviously an actor, can you verify him anywhere NO. Mind games about how bad your life will continue to be if you don t join Limitless Profits. The most annoying pop-up in the world when navigating on. Exposed on over 10 review sites already. So which one do you think is worst, Trade X Confidential or Limitless Profits. We established enough evidence to conclude that both apps, software, services or whatever you wish to call these scams, that there s no money in it and both will be blacklisted on our site along with the many money-making schemes that are all over the Internet Services such as the Trade X Confidential and Limitless Profits leave no hope to day-traders who are seeking legitimat e, profitable systems to trade with and many end up giving up. Two things you should consider before you let the jackasses, Paul Reed and Roger Clifford, discourage you from binary options 1 There s always hope to get your money back if you dispute the transaction with your credit card company, file a complaint and don t waste time, you can also help us alert others by sharing your feedback below this review 2 We are not going to test or verify any software, but we know that Copy Buffett is one service that is truly receiving some credible feedback by honest reviewers who posted their performance, results over time and withdrawals, you can find a lot of information on YouTube We posted a Copy Buffett Review and we welcome you to share your experience if you re trading with the software, we would love to know that there s something real out there Otherwise if you are burnt out at this point, trade on your own and verify that the broker you invest with, is fully regulated and licensed Fur thermore, we know that some brokers such as Banc De Binary, are regulated but are not as reliable as they might seem BDB has to settle a lawsuit by the SEC and CFTC just about two weeks ago for 11,000,000, which goes to show that you can t trust any broker just because they have regulations Do research before you deposit any money, because reputation can easily be measured online Do yourself a big favor and don t signup with Trade X Confidential, Limitless Profits or any of the other services we exposed on our blacklist. 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alright AOS -----All Over the Shop AOW -----All Over the World APB -----All Points Bulletin US AVT -----All Volatile Treatment AYB -----All Your Base AYW -----All Your Work AKH -----Allegemeines Krankenhaus QQH -----Allegheny County Pennsylvania Planning and Development Library AEK -----All-Electric Kitchen ie no gas AFJ -----Alliance For Justice ABY -----Alliance of Baptist Youth ACE ----- Allied Command, Europe AXP -----Allied e Xercise Publication AHQ -----All ied Head Quarters AIW -----Allied Industrial Workers AMG -----Allied Military Government AIR -----All-India Radio ATV -----All-Terrian Vehicle AUR -----All-Up Round AVF -----All-Volunteer Force AWX -----All-Weather Aircraft AUW -----Aloha United Way AXO -----Alpha Chi Omega AKX -----Alpha Kappa Chi AKK -----Alpha Kappa Kappa AZO -----Alpha Zeta Omega AAT -----Alpha-1-Anti-Trypsin treatment for cystic fibrosis ANW -----Alpha-Numeric Warning QOU -----al-Quds Open University AKA -----Also Known As AFU Usenet newsgroup ASB -----Alternative Service Book church of england AZD -----Alternativer Zustelldienst AHZ -----Altherrenzirkel AZS -----Alumina-Zirconia-Silica AKS -----Aluminum-Potassium-Silicon AAY -----Always All Yours ALZ -----Alzheimer s disease AEU -----Amalgamated Engineering Union AWA -----Amalgamated Wireless Australasia Ltd AYF -----Are You Finished RUJ -----a Re yo U Joking ASP -----aspartic acid AHB -----Assault Helicopter Battalion ACZ -----Assembly Coder s Zenith AEO -----As sication of Exhibition Organisers AJQ -----Assignment and Justification Questionnaire AAG -----Assistant Adjutant-General ACG -----Assistant Chaplain-General ADG -----Assistant Director-General APM -----Assistant Provost-Marshall ARD -----Assistant Resident Director ASM -----Assistant Stage Manager AYM -----Assistant Yard Master ANJ -----Associacao Nacional de Jornais AND -----Associate Administrator for NAS Development AAS -----Associate in Applied Science AFA -----Associate in Fine Arts AGS -----Associate in General Studies AKC -----Associate of King s College London AIA -----Associate of the Institute of Actuaries AGI -----Associate of the Institute of certified Grocers AIG -----Associate of the Institute of certified Grocers AIC -----Associate of the Institute of Commerce AIE -----Associate of the Institute of Education AIP -----Associate of the Institute of Plumbing ASF -----Associate of the Institute of Shipping and Forwarded Agents AIL -----Associate of the Institution of Lingui sts ARA -----Associate of the Royal Academy ATI -----Associate of the Textile Institute AEB -----Associated Examining Board AYZ -----Associated Youth for Zion AKQ -----Association des Kinotherapeutes du Quebec ASE -----Association for Science Education ASJ -----Association for Scientific Journals APF -----Association for the Propogation of the Faith AAV -----Association of Avian Veterinarians ABI -----Association of British Insurers ACU -----Association of Commonwealth Universities AEJ -----Association of European Journalists AGB -----Association of Governing Boards AIT -----Association of Inspectors of Taxes AJO -----Association of Jensen Owners AJL -----Association of Jewish Libraries AKG -----Association of Kew Growers AME -----Association of Municipal Engineers AOM -----Association of Ontario Midwives AUT -----Association of University Teachers AWO -----Association of Water Officers AWW -----Association of Women Welders AYJ -----Association of Yugoslav Jews AZH -----Association of Zoological Horticulture AVY -----Association Viticole Yvorne AZI -----Association Zen Internationale APL -----Associative Programming Language ATE -----Associativity Test Equation AXN -----Assurante Experts Nederland APE -----Asterisk Placement Executive ATG -----Asterix The Gaul ASY -----Astounding Stories Yearbook AAQ -----Astronomical Association of Queensland AVZ -----Astronomische Vereinigung Zuerich APJ -----Astrophysical Journal Space ADW -----Asymptotic Distorted Wave ATP -----At room Temperature and Pressure ATM -----At The Moment ABG -----Aterial Blood Gas ATY -----Atividades Terapeuticas e Yoga ATL -----Atlantic AMR -----Atlantic Missile Range ANF -----Atlantic Nuclear Force AST -----Atlantic Standard Time AUU -----ATM User-to-User AWV -----Atmospheric Wind Velocity AEA -----Atomic Energy Authority AHW -----Atomic Hydrogen Welding AMU -----Atomic Mass Unit AWD -----Atomic Weapons Decommissioning AWE -----Atomic Weapons Establishment ATW -----ATomic Weight AYU -----Atomic You th Ultrasonics AKW -----Atomkraftwerk ALE ----- Atropine, Lidocaine, Epinephrine ARN -----ATS Route Network AFX -----Attack Fighter e Xperimental AHX -----Attack Helicopter Experimental AHO -----Attack Helicopter Operations ARW -----Attitude Reaction Wheel AGO -----Attorney General of Ontario AGG -----Attributed Graph Grammar system AUD -----Audible ACR -----Audio Cassette Recorder ACA -----Audio Compression Algorithm AES -----Audio Engineering Society AJB -----Audio Junction Box ARU -----Audio Response Unit AVK -----Audio Video Kernel AVI -----Audio Visual Interleaved ALM -----Audio Lingual Method in teaching a foreign language AVA -----Audio Visual Aids AVL -----Audio Visual Language AVP -----Audio Visual Processor ADQ -----Audits of Data Quality AEY -----Auger Electron Yield APW -----Augmented Plane Wave AUG -----August AEE -----Auronautical Engineer AWZ -----Aus - und Weiterbildungszentrum AQZ -----Ausbildungs - und Qualifizierungszentrum ABJ -----Austin Business Journal ANZ -----Aus tralia and New Zealand banking group AUS -----Australia n AAP -----Australian Associated Press ABC -----Australian Broadcasting Corporation ACT -----Australian Capital Territory ACB -----Australian Cricket Board ADT -----Australian Digital Theses program AGL -----Australian Gas Light company AGH -----Australian General Hospital AGJ -----Australian Guitar Journal AHA -----Australian Hotels Association AIF -----Australian Imperial Forces AJC -----Australian Jockey Club AJZ -----Australian Journal of Zoology ALP -----Australian Labour Party ALJ -----Australian Law Journal ANU -----Australian National University AUQ -----Australian Quarterly ARY -----Australian Rural Youth ATO -----Australian Taxation Office AVJ -----Australian Veterinary Journal AWC -----Australian Wool Corporation AWU -----Australian Worker s Union AXK -----Australian Xbox Killers AYO -----Australian Youth Orchestra AYQ -----Australian Youth Quartet AKB -----Australian-Korean Business AHY -----Austrian History Yearbook A UF -----AUthentication Function AHJ -----Authority Having Jurisdiction AXZ -----Auto Exchange Zaire AZZ -----Auto Zentrum Zerbst AFZ -----Auto-Free Zone ALS -----Autograph Letter Signed AED -----Automated External Defibrilator AGV -----Automated Guided Vehicle AKM -----Automated Key Management AQO -----Automated Quality Organization AWN -----Automated Weather Network AAE -----Automatic Assemble Editing ADP -----Automatic Data Processing ADX -----Automatic Digital e Xchange AFD -----Automatic File Distribution ALC -----Automatic Level Control ANK -----Automatic Navigation Kit ANO -----Automatic Network Operator ANI -----Automatic Number Identification AOI -----Automatic Optical Inspection ARQ -----Automatic Repeat re Quest AVM -----Automatic Vending Machine ANX -----Automotive Network Exchange ALV -----Autonomous Land Vehicle AUV -----Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ARZ -----Auto-Restricted Zone AZR -----Autozentrum Radebeul TAH ----- Auxilary, Hospital ship, MSC manned naval ship type AX B -----Auxiliary Boiler AXW -----Auxiliary Wasteheat AKV ----- Auxiliary, Cargo, Aircraft AGF ----- Auxiliary, General, Flagship ATS -----Auxillary Territorial Service women in Britain 1938-48 AUX -----auxillary verb AXD -----Auxilliary Drum AVO -----Available Vehicle Occupancy AVE -----Avenue AVG -----Average AHT -----Average Holding Time AOQ -----Average Outgoing Quality APQ -----Average Picture Quality AQH -----Average Quarter Hour AVQ -----Average Voice Quality AYD -----Average Yearly Demand ADU -----Avian Demography Unit AVN -----aviation AMO -----Aviation Medical Officer AMH -----Aviation Structural Mechanic Hydraulics US Navy Rating AFK -----Away From Keyboard AXI -----axiom QUY -----Ayacucho Quechua AIY -----Ayshire Imperial Yeomanry AZE -----Azerbaijan 031 ISO 3-letter country code AZT -----Azidothymidine AQN -----Azimuthal Quantum Number AZU -----azumith BMB -----B Me Backwards BMG -----Baader-Meinhof Gang BHK -----Babcock-Hitachi Kaisha BJV -----Baby and Junior Violence BAC -----baccalaureat French school examination BWV -----Bach Werke-Verzeichnis German catalogue of Back s works BAQ -----Bachelor Airmen s Quarters BEQ -----Bachelor Enlisted Quarters BAM -----Bachelor of Applied Mathematics BAJ -----Bachelor of Arts in Journalism BAO -----Bachelor of Arts in Obstetrics BBA -----Bachelor of Business Administration BCA -----Bachelor of Commerce and Administration BCY -----Bachelor of Culinary Arts Technology BDS -----Bachelor of Dental Surgery BED -----Bachelor of Education EDB -----Bachelor of Education BHJ -----Bachelor of Human Justice BIE -----Bachelor of Industrial Engineering BLA -----Bachelor of Landscape Architecture BLL -----Bachelor of Laws LLB -----Bachelor of Laws legum baccaleureus BLS -----Bachelor of Library Science BMS -----Bachelor of Marine Science BME -----Bachelor of Medical Engineering BPE -----Bachelor of Physical Education BPA -----Bachelor of Professional Arts BPH -----Bachelor of Public Health BRE -----Bachelor of Religious Educati on BSC -----Bachelor of Science BSF -----Bachelor of Science in Forestry BSJ -----Bachelor of Science in Journalism BSN -----Bachelor of Science in Nursing BSP -----Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy BSS -----Bachelor of Secretarial Science BCH -----Bachelor of Surgery Latin baccalaureus chirurgiae BTE -----Bachelor of Textile Engineering BTP -----Bachelor of Town Planning BOQ -----Bachelor Officer Quarters BTO -----Bachman-Turner Overdrive BCG -----Bacillus Calmette-Guerin BXU -----Bacillus Xylanase Unit BAK -----Back At Keyboard BOH -----Back Of House BOT -----Back On Topic BYB -----Back Yard Breeder BBE -----Background Block Error BGN -----Back Ground Noise BPR -----Back-Pressure Regulator BPN -----Back-Propagation Network BNN -----Back-propagation Neural Network BKD -----Backscatter Kikuchi Diffraction BAI -----Backup Aerospace-vehicle Inventory BDC -----Backup Domain Controller BUF -----Back-Up Facility BWH -----Backup With Holding BCK -----backward s BWO -----Backward-Wave Oscillato r BYW -----Backyard Wrestling BLT -----Bacon Lettuce Tomato BJE -----Bad Joke Ending BQI -----Bad Questions Ignored BHV -----Badischer Handball-Verband BMK -----Badmintonklubb BAG -----Baggage BYK -----Bajaj Youth Cycle BNT -----Baker-Nunn Telescope BAL -----Balance BFB -----Balanced Failure Biasing BLR -----Balanced Likelihood Ratio BTI -----Balanced Technology Initiative BXO -----Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans BLW -----Baldwin Locomotive Works BVH -----Balgownie Veterinary Hospital BGA -----Ball Grid Array BBJ -----Ball-Bearing Joint BAT -----Ballistic Aerial Target BEE -----Ballistic Electron Emission BMD -----Ballistic Missile Defence BLN -----Balloon BGE -----Baltimore Gas and Electric Company BHU -----Baltimore Hebrew University BBV -----Banco Bilbao Vizcaya BLX -----Banco Latinoamericano de Exportacione BZN -----Band Zonder Naam BDQ -----Bande Dessinee Quebecoise BQL -----Bandial BXD -----Bandwidth and Delay BWB -----Band Width Balancing BWC -----Band Width Control BRQ -----Bandw idth Re Quest BNH -----Bangkok Nursing Home BHE -----Bangor Hydro-Electric Company BEU -----Bank Employees Union BXQ -----Bank Exchange Quantity BIS -----Bank for International Settlements BGZ -----Bank Gospodarki Zywnooeciowej BOE -----Bank Of England BOJ -----Bank of Jamaica BNY -----Bank of New York BNZ -----Bank of New Zealand BOS -----Bank of Scotland BOZ -----Bank of Zambia BVE -----Bank von Ernst Liechtenstein BKG -----banking BDW -----Banking Data Warehouse BKY -----Bankruptcy BEI -----Banque europeenne d investissement French european investment bank BWJ -----Banten West Java BUV -----Baptist Union of Victoria BWA -----Baptist World Alliance BAP -----baptized BCR -----Bar Code Reader BHB -----Bar Harbor Bankshares BSV -----Bar Separated Values BWU -----Barbados Workers Union BBQ -----Bar Be Que BJH -----Barclay James Harvest BMF -----Bard Music Festival BAR -----barometer BKS -----barracks BBL -----barrels esp technical consulting firm BYD -----Beyond BSR -----Beyond Sensor Ra nge BVR -----Beyond Visual Range BXW -----Beyond Xtreme Wrestling BZK -----Bezirkszahnaerztekammer BJP -----Bharatiya Janata Party Indian political party BKU -----Bharatiya Kisan Union BGK -----Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook kinetic-theory model for reactive collisions BIB -----bible BUZ -----Biblioteca Universitaria de Zaragoza BJZ -----Bibliothek des Japan-Zentrum BKW -----Bibliothekskataloge Welt BMX -----Bicycle Moto-cross X BFQ -----Bid for Quotation BZJ -----Bielzka Zadymka Jazzowa BAD -----Big Audio Dynamite BBT -----Big Bang Theory BBW -----Big Beautiful Woman BXF -----Big e Xplosion Factory BXG -----Big e Xplosion Generator BFM -----Big F - off Manual BFZ -----Big Fat Zero BFD -----Big Freakin Deal BFH -----Big Freaking Hammer BFG -----Big Friendly Giant BFK -----Big Friendly Kiss BGB -----Big Green Book BMZ -----Big Movie Zone BQD -----Big Question Dialogue BUM -----Big Ugly Monster BWX -----Big Wide e Xpanse BYG -----Big Yellow Gorilla BYM -----Big Yoga Muffin UK band BJQ ----- Big, J uicy and Quick BJG ----- Big, Juicy, Gorgeous BQY -----Bike Quads Youth BHL -----Bilateral Hearing Loss BQJ -----Bilateral Quarantine Judgment BKZ -----Bildungsdirektoren-Konferenz Zentralschweiz BKE -----Bildungsinstitut fuer Kommunikations - und Entwicklungsprozesse BZZ -----Bildungszentrum Zuerichsee BRJ -----Bilingual Research Journal BOM -----Bill Of Materials BBD -----Billboard BJK -----Billie Jean King BVC -----Billing Validation Center BEV -----Billion Electron Volts BYA -----Billions of Years Ago BIN -----Binary BCW -----Binary Chemical Weapon BCD -----Binary Coded Decimal BCL -----Binary Coded Language BIT -----Binary dig IT BXT -----Binary Expression Tree BIX -----Binary Information e Xchange HQX -----Binhex File Name Extension BNV ----- Binoculars, Night Viewing BOD -----Biochemical Oxygen Demand BET -----Bio-Engineering Team BGC -----Bio-Geochemical Cycling BEW -----Biological Equivalent Weight BWD -----Biological Warfare Defense BLY -----Biology BZG -----Biology-Zoology-Ge netics BIG -----Bionet Intelligent Gateway BPB -----BIOS Parameter Block BJT -----Bi-polar Junction Transistor BPY -----bipyridine BOW -----Birds Of War BKC -----Birmingham Kennel Club BWG -----Birmingham Wire Gauge BTK -----Birth Through Knowledge BID ----- bis in die Latin, twice a day, prescription dosage BGO -----Bismuth Germanium Oxide BER -----Bit Error Rate BKL -----Bit Keeper Linux BRR -----Bit Rate Reduction BTR -----Bit Transfer Rate BZR -----Bit Zone Recording BMP -----Bit Ma P format BPI -----Bits Per Inch BPP -----Bits Per Pixel BPS -----Bits Per Second BLK -----black BBR -----Black Body Radiation BVQ -----Black Voice Quarterly BWL -----Black Women Lawyers BCJ -----Blackberry Creek Journal BYI -----Blackfeet Youth Initiative BHY -----Black Rock High Yield Trust BNO -----Bladder Neck Obstruction BFA -----Blank Firing Attachment BVM -----Blessed Virgin Mary BCC -----Blind Carbon Copy BRC -----Blind Rehabilitation Center BZW -----Blizzard Warning BDM -----Block Data Message B HR -----Block Header Record BIP -----Block Improvement Program BSZ -----Block Store Zeros BQV -----Blocked Quadratic Variance BBM -----Blocking and Bracing Materials BUN -----Blood Urea Nitrogen BKX -----Bloodline Knowledge Exchange BGD -----Bloody Good Discos BEH -----Blue Eyed Hottie ----- BHH -----Blue Heaven Hackers ----- BQB -----Bluetooth Qualification Body ----- BOG -----Board Of Governors ----- BOV -----Board Of Visitors ----- BCQ -----Boat Crew Qualification ----- BJI -----Bob Jones University ----- BYQ -----Boca Youth Quarterly ----- BOK -----Body Of Knowledge ----- BPT -----Boiling Point ----- BWR -----Boiling Water nuclear Reactor -----Highway through New York City BTF -----Bold Type Face ----- BUH -----Boletin de la Universidad de Huelva ----- BOL -----Bolivia ----- BVL -----Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa ----- BBN ----- Bolt, Beranak, and Newman ----- QZK -----Bolzano Italy BRD -----Bomb Release Distance BRL -----Bomb Release Line BYH -----Bomb Your House BDR -----Bomba Die R BXE -----Bombardment-induced X-ray Emission BPF -----Bon Pour Francs French value in francs BVF -----Bon Vivant Foundation BEY -----Bond Equivalent Yield BOO -----Bond Order Orbital BQW -----Bond Quantity Worksheet BJB ----- Bond, James Bond BBF -----Bond-Bending Force BBO -----Bonding Bond Orbital BJM ----- Bones, Joints, Muscles BWE -----Bonneville Worldwide Entertainment BIY -----Book Inside You BCP -----Book of Common Prayer BGL -----Boost Graph Library BHX -----Boot Hill Express BAH -----Booz-Allen and Hamilton BXH -----Boran and Holstein BXP -----Border Check Point BGP -----Border Gateway Protocol BVW -----Bordering Vegetated Wetland BOF -----Boring Old Fart BOR -----borough BSQ -----Boson Second Quantization BPL -----Boston Public Library BSO -----Boston Symphony Orchestra BLQ -----Both Lower Quadrants BUE -----Both Upper Extremities BUQ -----Both Upper Quadrants BTM -----bottom BLI -----Bottom Layer Insulation BHZ ----- Boulay, Heutmaker, Zibell Company, P BUO -----Brown Unive rsity Orchestra BHO -----Browser Helper Object BTN -----Brussels Tariff Nomenclature BJX -----Bubble Jet Excellence BRV -----Bubble Release Vacuum BKT -----Bucket BUX -----Budapest Stock Index BUW -----Budapest Uralic Workshop BUD -----Budget BFS -----Budget and Forecasting System BEG -----Budget Estimate Guidance BFY -----Budget Fiscal Year BSK -----Budo Studien Kreis BVU -----Buena Vista University ZXS -----Buffalo BLH -----Buffalo Lake-Hector Schools BFL -----Buffered Field-effect-transistor Logic BEM -----Bug Eyed Monster BYF -----Build Your Future BEO -----Building Emergency Organization BJL -----Building Jewish Life BQU -----Building Quota Unit BRY -----Building Rugged Youth BUA -----Built-Up Area ZZH ----- Bukulan Island, Papua New Guinea BDY -----Bulgarian Democratic Youth BAW -----Bulk Acoustic Wave BEK -----Bulk Encryption Key BXL -----Bulk Explosives Limited BML -----Bulk Material Length BHI -----Bullet Hit Indicator BPK -----Bullet Polisher Kit BUL -----bulletin BBX -----Bu lletin Board e Xchange BBS -----Bulletin Board System BFE ----- Bum F ed Egypt meaning way out in the middle of nowhere, usually in reference to where someone lives BDI -----Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie federal association of German industry BJF -----Bundesverband Jugend und Film European Children s Film Network BVK -----Bundesverdienstkreuz BKJ -----Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendbildung BDL -----bundle BNQ -----Bureau de Normalisation du Qubc BIH -----Bureau international de l heure French BNM -----Bureau National de Metrologie BXA -----Bureau of Export Administration BIA -----Bureau of Indian Affairs BJA -----Bureau Of Justice Assistance BJS -----Bureau of Justice Statistics BLM -----Bureau of Land Management BNE -----Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement BRH -----Bureau Of Radiological Health BTD -----Bureau of Telecommunications Development of the ITU BVS -----Bureau of Vital Statistics BVN -----Bureau Voucher Number BUR -----buried BAX -----Burlington Air e Xpress BFU ---- - Burst-Forming Unit BUC -----Bus Unit Controller BUI -----Bus Unit Interface BUS -----Business BEN -----Business And Educational Network BAU -----Business As Usual BXI -----Business Exchange International BXJ -----Business Expansion Journal BEX -----Business EXpress BGG -----Business Generator Group BIJ -----Business Ink Jet printer BKH -----Business Know How BMQ -----Business Migration Questionnaire BON -----Business Object Notation BQC -----Business Quality Control BRZ -----Business Revitalization Zone BVX -----Business Value Xpress BUY -----Businesses by Urban Youth BGR -----Businesses Getting Results BZY -----Busy BHM -----Busy Hour Minute BLF -----Busy Line Field BLV -----Busy Line Verification BKM -----Butt Kicking Mode BUB -----Butt Ugly Babe BAY -----Buy Another Yearly BNS -----Buyer No Seller BVO -----Buyer Value Option BPQ -----Buying Power Quota BWQ -----Buzz Word Quotient BTW -----by the way BYL -----By Your Leave BFN -----Bye For Now BYP -----Bypass BYZ -----byzantine ZDJ -----C Developer s Journal CCX -----Cable and Connection Experts CJZ -----Cable Jacket Zipper CNN -----Cable News Network COU -----Cable Orderwire Unit CRK -----Cable Repair Kit CTV -----Cable Tele Vision CLQ -----Cache Line Queue CZT -----Cadmium Zinc Telluride CCM -----Caffeine Clearance Measurement medical QXJ -----Caixas do Sul Brazil CMZ -----Calcium Magnesium Zirconium CZD -----Calculated Zenith Distance CYE -----Calendar Year End CPK -----California Pizza Kitchen CYR -----California Young Republicans CFV -----Call For Votes CHT -----Call Holding Time CRV -----Call Reference Value CRQ -----Call Re Quest CWD -----Call Waiting Deluxe CLD -----called WWV -----Callsign of frequency of accurate time broadcast CUP -----Cambridge University Press CUY -----Cambridge University Yachting CMR -----Cameroon CWK -----Cam-Net Communications Network CJL -----Camp Juliette Low CKY -----Camp Kill Yourself CQH -----Camp Quaker Haven CYJ -----Camp Young Judaea CND -----Campaign for Nuclear Disarmam ent CRA -----Campaign for Real Ale aka CAMRA ZZE ----- Canac Island, Papua New Guinea CAN -----Canada CDN -----Canadian CAJ -----Canadian Association of Journalists CAW -----Canadian Auto Workers CBC -----Canadian Broadcasting Corp Binary options gorilla lug Yahoo Forex Widget CFA -----Canadian Field Artillery CFL -----Canadian Football League CGQ -----Canadian Guitar Quartet CJS -----Canadian Joint Staff CJX -----Canadian Jorex CJC -----Canadian Journal of Communication CKC -----Canadian Kennel Club CKA -----Canadian Killifish Association CMA -----Canadian Medical Association CMQ -----Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly CNE -----Canadian National Exhibition CNQ -----Canadian Notes and Queries CXY -----Canadian Oxy CWB -----Canadian Wheat Board CZC -----Canadian Zebra Corporation CZN -----Canadian Zinc CZG -----Canal Zone Government CZP -----Canal Zone Police CNL -----Cancel CXL -----Cancel CXD -----Cancel Approved Departure CXA -----Cancel Arrival CTO -----Cancelled To Order CPF -----Can cer Potency Factor CXZ -----Can-Ex Resources CPV -----Canine Parvo Virus CVB -----Canonical Valence Bond CRL -----Canonicus Regularis Lateranensis trans Canon Regular of the Lateran CRS -----Can t Remember Squat CYN -----Canyon CQP -----Capacitor Qualification Program YUZ ----- Cape Hooper, Northwest Territories CGH -----Cape of Good Hope CZE -----Capillary Zone Electrophoresis CZX -----Capillary Zone Yield CZY -----Capillary Zone Yield CGT -----Capital Gains Tax CRF -----Capital Recovery Factor CTT -----Capital Transfer Tax CRD -----Capstone Requirements Document CYW -----Capture Your World CFR -----Capuchin Franciscans of the Renewal CLM -----Car Location Message CAR -----carat CBZ -----carbobenzyloxy CHV -----Card Holder Value CVC -----Card Validation Check CPR -----Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation CRY -----Care and Relief for the Youth CJR -----Career Job Reservation CGO -----cargo CPY -----Cargo Preference Year CSY -----Caribbean Sailing Yachts CVQ -----Caribbean Vocational Qualific ation CZJ -----Carl Zeiss Jena JXI -----Carme astronomy-Jovian moon COK -----Carolina Orienteering Klubb CYY -----Carpita Corporation CXR -----Carrier CAG -----Carrier Air Group CBG -----Carrier Battle Group CVL ----- Carrier Vessel, Light light aircraft carrier CVN ----- Carrier Vessel, Nuclear nuclear powered aircraft carrier CHH -----Cartilage-Hair Hypoplasia CTN -----carton JAU -----Cartridge-Actuated Initiator military CSJ -----Case Study and Justification CBD -----Cash Before Delivery YXU -----Cash Component per Creation Unit CFQ -----Cash For Questions COD -----Cash On Delivery COH -----Cash On Hand CTJ -----Cash To Jump CVD -----Cash Versus Documents CWO -----Cash With Order CDG -----Cask Designers Guide CCR -----Cassette Camera Recorder CGP -----Catalog of Government Publications CBH -----Catalyst Bed Heater QCZ ----- Catanzaro, Reggio Calabria CRO -----Cathode Ray Oscilloscope CRT -----Cathode Ray Tube CWV -----Catholic War Veterans CNB -----Caught a Nd Bowled cricket CAV --- --caveat CAZ -----Ceftazidime CRX -----Cefuroxime CXM -----Cefuroxime CEL -----celesta CTD -----Cell Transfer Delay CMI -----Cell-Mediated Immunity VCL -----cello from violoncello CCY -----Center for Creative Youth CEK -----Center for Education and Communication CFJ -----Center for Foreign Journalists Reston VA CJH -----Center for Jewish History CKM -----Center for Knowledge Management CKS -----Center for Knowledge Societies CKU -----Center for Kultursamarbejde med Udviklingslandene CQS -----Center for Quantitative Science CWM -----Center for Waste Management CWQ -----Center for Water Quality CGY -----Center of Gravit Y CGS -----Centimetre-Gram-Second CEN -----central CAO -----Central Applications Office CBJ -----Central Bank of Jordan CCG -----Central Commission for Germany CDX -----Central Data e Xchange CEA -----Central Electricity Authority CEU -----Central Electronic Unit CET -----Central European Time CEC -----Central Executive Committee CFO -----Central Forecasting Office meteor ology CIA -----Central Intelligence Agency CIB -----Central Intelligence Board CMF -----Central Meditteranean Force CMU -----Central Michigan University CMB -----Central Midwives Board CNS -----Central Nervous System CNY -----Central New York CNJ -----Central of New Jersey COI -----Central Office of Information CPM -----Central prayer meeting CPU -----Central Processing Unit CQX -----Central Quality Exchange CQU -----Central Queensland University CRP -----Central Reserve Police CST -----Central Standard Time north america CSO -----Central Statistical Office CUN -----Central University for Nationalities CYG -----Central Youth Group CZA -----Central Zionist Archives CHW ----- Central, Handy, Western high schools in Bay City School District CTR -----centre CDD -----Centre for Digestive Diseases CDC -----Centre for Disease Control american CRH -----Centre for Remote Health CUH -----Centre for Urban History CHU -----Centre Hospitalier Universitaire CGG -----Centro Galileo Galilei CNAA CKJ - ----Centrum Komputerowo Jezykowe CKZ -----Centrum koor Kwaliteitzorg CZV -----Centrum voor Ziekenhuis - en Verplegingswetenschap CSF -----Cerebro Spinal Fluid CVA -----Cerebrovascular Accident CIH -----Certificate in Industrial Health CSS -----Certificate in Social Service CSE -----Certificate of Secondary Education CCN -----Certification Control Number CMM -----Certified Medical Manager CNX -----Certified Network Expert CNA -----Certified Nursing Assistant CQT -----Certified Quality Technician CVM -----Certified Vendor Memorandum CZS -----Ceska Zoologicka Spolecnost CZU -----Ceske Zemedelske Univerzity CZL -----Ceskoslovenske Zavody Letecke CCQ -----Chambre de Commerce du Quebec CXC -----Chandra X-ray Center CJU -----Chang Jung University COA -----Change Of Address CZQ -----Chaogaoya daidan Zidong Quingsao CWZ -----Chaos Wir Zukunft CHS -----chapters CPS -----Characters Per Second CHG -----charge CPT ----- Charge conjugation, Parity, and Time reversal particle physics QEQ -----Charge E quilibrium CXS -----Charge Exchange Spectroscopy CXU -----Charge Spotting Bomb Unit CPW -----Charged Particle Weapon CCD -----Charged-Coupled Device CXH -----Charing Cross Hospital CHA -----charisma CJV -----Charlie O Beverage CVY -----Charlie-Victor-Yankee CIN -----Chart Information Network CCE -----Chartered Civil Engineer CII -----Chartered Insurance Institute CSD -----Chartered Society of Designers CSP -----Chartered Society of Physiotherapists CJG -----Chattanooga Junior Golf CHK -----Check CYU -----Check Your Understanding CBW -----Chemical and Biological Warfare CHE -----CHemical Engineer CJO -----Chemical Journals Online CSL -----Chemical Sewer Line CBR ----- Chemical, Bacteriological, and Radiation CGZ -----Chemische Gesellschaft Zuerich CHY -----Chemistry UXK -----Chemistry apparatus and machines library cataloguing CHQ -----cheque CSX -----Chessie System e Xpress railroad XAE -----Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society CFW -----Chicago and Far Western railroad CTA -----Chi cago Transit Authority DKC -----Chief Disbursing Clerk Naval Rating CEO -----Chief Executive Officer CKO -----Chief Knowledge Officer CNO -----Chief Nursing Officer CMJ -----Chief of Military Justice COS -----Chief Of Staff COO -----Chief Operating Officer CPO -----Chief Petty Officer CQO -----Chief Quality Officer CHC -----Child Health Clinic CSA -----Child Support Agency CYF ----- Child, Youth and Family CYD -----Children and Youth Division CTW -----Children s Television Workshop CJN -----China Journal Net CXN -----China Xin Network CKX -----China-Korea Express CHO -----Chinese Hamster Ovary CJK -----Chinese Japanese Korean encoding standard for character set CHB -----Chirurgiae Baccalaureus latin CHM -----Chirurgiae Magister latin CUK -----Chirurgische Universitaetsklinik CFC -----Chloro Fluoro Carbons groovy planet killing gases CCK -----Chole Cysto Kinin CEH -----Cholesteryl Ester Hydrolase CYO -----Choose Your Own CYQ -----Choose Your Question CIY -----Christ In Youth CES -----Ch ristian Evidence Society CSB -----Christian Science Bachelor CWI -----Christian Witness to Israel CYI -----Christian Youth International CDU ----- Christlich-Demokratische Union German political party, the Christian Democratic Union CJB -----Christlicher Jugendbund CKQ -----Christliches Krankenhaus Quakenbrueck CZB -----Christliches Zentrum Brig CZF -----Christliches Zentrum Forsthaus CZZ -----Christliches Zentrum Zuerich CNU -----Christopher Newport University YXY -----Chromaticity CKF -----Chronic Kidney Failure CHR -----Chronicles bible COE -----Church Of England CHZ -----Ciernohronska Zeleznica CIR -----circa COJ -----Circle Of Janus CKT -----circuit CEG -----Circuit card Expert Group CCJ -----Circuit Court Judge CGB -----Circuit Group Blocking message CGU -----Circuit Group Unblocking message CKR -----Circuit Reference CVP -----Circuit Virtuel Permanent CIT -----citation CAB -----Citizen s Advice Bureau ZXC -----City College of New York Library CEF -----City Electrical Factors COZ -----City of Zanesville CTC -----City Technology College CIV -----civil CAA -----Civil Aviation Authority CCB -----Civil Cooperation Bureau south africa CEX -----Civil Effects e Xperiments CRM -----Civil Rights Movement CSC -----Civil Service Commission CSU -----Civil Service Union CCC -----Civilian Conservation Corps CJT -----Civilian Jeep Truck CLF -----Civilian Labor Force CMY -----Civilian Man-Years CMP -----Civilian Marksmanship Program CFY -----Clarify CBQ -----Class-Based Queueing CJQ -----Classic Jonny Quest CQG -----Classical and Quantum Gravity CUW -----Clean Up the World CWC -----Clean Water Commission CFB -----Clear Frequency Broadcast CLS -----CLear Screen CTS -----Clear To Send CLH -----CLearing House CSZ -----Clearly Seperated Zones CLK -----Clerk CPC -----Clerk of the Privy Council CXO -----C-level e Xecutive Officer CKN -----Clinicians Knowledge Network KXO -----Clock Crystal Oscillator CKW -----clockwise CAS -----Close Air Support CRZ -----Close Reconnaissance Zone C UG -----Closed Users Group CIW -----Close-In Weapon CER -----Closer Economic Relations CJA -----Closet Jimmys Anonymous CLO -----clothing CLC -----Clover Leaf Cars CYV -----Clover Yellow Virus CIU -----Club and Institute Union CMK -----Club Muenchner Kyakfahrer CUQ -----Club Universario de Quilmes CXQ -----Club Xiang Qi CXB -----Clube de Xadrez de Blumenau CXP -----Clube de Xadrez de Petropolis CIJ -----Coalition for International Justice CNH -----Coalition for Natural Health CTF -----Coal-Tar Fuels CWF -----Coal-Water Fuel CGC -----Coast Guard of Canada CEJ -----Coastal Engineering Journal CUE -----Coastal Upwelling Experiment CZM -----Coastal Zone Management CKI -----Cockpit Kill Indicator CCL -----Code of Canon Law CIC -----Codex Iuris Canonici Code of Canon Law KHX -----Coefficient of Heat Transfer COP -----Coefficient Of Performance COG -----cognate CQE -----Cognizant Quality Engineer CJF -----Coherent Joint Fires CMO -----Collection Management Officer CAE -----College of Advanced Education CFE -----College of Further Education YYZ -----College of Lake County Illinois Murphy Memorial Library CRJ -----College Radio Japan CLN -----Colon COL -----Colonel CXF -----Color Exchange Format CWX -----Colorado Wireless e Xchange Cooperative CSW -----Color-Segregated World CFK -----Colour Find Key CBS -----Columbia Broadcasting System CZR -----Columnar Zone Radius CBV -----Combat Breacher Vehicle CEV -----Combat Engineer Vehicle CPQ -----Combat Pistol Qualification CRN -----Combat Radio Net CVK -----Combat Vehicle Kill CVR -----Combat Vehicle Recognition CZW -----Combat Zone Wrestling CSR -----Combat-Stress Reaction CAX -----Combined Arms e Xercise CCF -----Combined Cadet Force CHP -----Combined Heat and Power COC -----Combined Oral Contraceptive CTX -----Combined Training Exercise CBP -----Combustion By-Product CQD ----- Come Quick, Distress CWH -----Coming of the great White Handkerchief CQQ -----Comissoes Qualificacao do Qualiop CAU -----Command Arithmetic Unit CLI ---- - Command Line Interrupt CMD ----- Command Pape fourth series, 1918-56 CPX -----Command Post Exercise CDR -----Comman De R CBE -----Commander of the British Empire CRE -----Commander of the Royal Engineers CVO -----Commander of the royal Victorian Order CTG ----- Commander, Task Group CTU ----- Commander, Task Unit CDO -----Commando CML -----commercial CDL -----Commercial Driver s Licence CUV -----Commercial Utility Vehicle CED -----Committee for Economic Development CPI -----Committee for Public Information CQJ -----Committee for Qualified Judiciary CQN -----Committee for Qualified Judiciary CAY -----Committee of Adults and Youth CDP -----Committee of Directors of Polytechnics CKB -----Commodore Knowledge Base CMN -----Common CAC -----Common Access Card CAP -----Common Agricultural Policy CBK -----Common Body of Knowledge CDB -----Common Data Base CFP -----Common Fisheries Policy CLX -----Common Lisp Xinterface CLB -----Common Logic Board CUF -----Common University Fund CUI -----Common User Interface CVI -----Common Variable Immunodeficiency CVE -----Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures CXI -----Common X-windows Interface CUA -----Commonly Used Acronym s CNF -----Commonwealth Nurses Federation CIS -----Commonwealth of Independent States CEE -----Communaute Economique Europeenne French CTB -----Communication Tool Box CRG -----Communications Relay Group CCA -----Communist Control Act CPB -----Communist Party of Britain CDQ -----Community Development Quota CHN -----Community Health Nurse CSV -----Community Service Volunteer CDV -----Compact Digital CDA -----Compact Disc Album CDE -----Compact Disc Erasable CDI -----Compact Disc Interactive CDS -----Compact Disc Single CDZ -----Compact Disc Zone CDJ -----Compact Disk Jukebox CGV -----Compagnie Generale de Videotechnique CDY -----Companion Dog of the Year CMG -----Companion of the order of St George CIE -----Companion of the order of the Indian Empire COB -----Companion Of the Bath CNI -----Companion of the Nautical Inst itute CSG -----Companion of the order ofthe Star of Ghana COY -----Company CBX -----Company Branch telephone e Xchange CSM -----Company Stage Manager CUO -----Compaq Users Organization CMW -----Compartmented Mode Workstation CLU -----Compatible Land Use CEP -----Compensatory Equipment Package CFT -----Complement Fixation Test CAK -----Complete Accessory Kit CJP -----Complete Joint Penetratation welding CKE -----Complete Kuula Edition CBU -----Completely Built-Up CKD -----Completely Knocked Down of goods for sale CXT -----Complexiteitstheorie CTK -----Composite Tool Kit CWU -----Composite Weighted Work Unit CPD -----compound CVH -----Compound Valve-angle Hemispherical-head CGL -----Comprehensive General Liability Insurance Policy CNG -----Compressed Natural Gas CVF -----Compressed Volume File WMZ -----compressed Windows Metafile - Microsoft file extension CKL -----Compromised Key List CCP -----Compte Cheque Postal postal order CIX -----Compulink Information e Xchange CPN -----Compuserve Packet Network CAD -----Computer Aided Design CAQ -----Computer Aided Quality CVG -----Computer and Video Games CCO -----Computer Center Operator CCZ -----Computer Club Zutphen ICL -----computer company CGD -----Computer Game Developer CGI -----Computer Generated Imagery CGX -----Computer Graphics CGA -----Computer Graphics Adapter CGW -----Computer Graphics World CIG -----Computer Image Generator CIL -----Computer Integration Laboratories CJI -----Computer Jobs in Israel CNC -----Computer Numerical Control COM -----Computer Output on Microfilm ADA -----computer programming language after Ada Lovelace CRU -----Computer Resource Utilization CSI -----Computer Service Index CTI -----Computer Telephony Integration CXE -----Computer to External Environments Interface CUD -----Computer Underground Digest CUC -----Computer Users Committee CAI -----Computer-Aided Instruction CAL -----Computer-Aided Learning CAM -----Computer-Assisted Manufacture CBL -----Computer-Based Learning CBT -----Comput er-Based Training CAT -----Computerized Axial Tomography CTM -----Computerized Tomographic Myelography CZO -----Computerized Zoning Ordinance CLR -----Computer-Language Recorder CLT -----Computer-Language Translator CHI -----Concentration Highway Interface CRW -----Conceptual Recoilless Weapon CUZ -----Conditional Use Zoning CEZ -----Confederacion de Empresarios de Zaragosa CBI -----Confederation of British Industry CHJ -----Conference of Historical Journals CFG -----Configuration CFN -----Confine CHL -----Confinement at Hard Labor CDH -----Congenital Dislocation of the Hip CHF -----Congestive Heart Failure CJM -----Congregatio Jesu et Mariae trans the Congregation of Jesus and Mary CBY -----Congregation Beth Yeshua CKH -----Congregation Kol Halev CFX -----Congregation of St Binary options gorilla lug YHN -----Your Humble Narrator YHO -----Youth Hostel Organisation YHP -----Your Home Page YHQ -----Yokogawa Head Quarters YHR -----Yakima Herald-Republic YHS -----Yorktown High School YHT -----Yac HT YHU -----Hucamp Mines YHV -----Yellow-Head Virus YHW -----Your Homework YHX -----Youth Hospitality Exchange YHY -----Youth Helping Youth YHZ -----Halifax, Nova Scotia YIA -----Youth In Action YIB -----Years In Business YIC -----NTSC video format Y perceived luminance , I Q colour YID -----Y-Input Data YIE -----Yankee Invention Exposition YIF -----Your Incredible Future YIG -----Yttrium Iron Garnet YIH -----Western Yiddish YII -----Yes It Is YIJ -----Young Indiana Jones YIK -----International Kembit Youth YIL -----Yahoo For the past six years or so, Storm has been collecting the various CD titles we ve come up with Many of them came from just sitting around, being silly YIT -----Youth In Transition YIU -----Youth Issues Unit YIV -----Youth Internet Volunteer YIW -----Youth in Wilderness YIX -----Yahoo. Binary options gorilla lug Cmo Funciona La Bolsa En Uruguaypany XNZ -----Grist Mill Museum Library XOA -----Experimental Observation Amphibian Aircraft XOB -----Xanopinauta Oro de Brasilia XOC -----Xterra Owners Club XOD -----External Object Data XOE -----Experimental Observation Cessna Aircraft XOF -----Transmit OFf XOG -----Expedition Owners Group XOH -----Experimental Observation Helicopter XOI -----e Xplodes On Impact XOJ -----Executive Office-Joint Matters XOK -----Exokernel XOL -----XML-based Ontology-exchange Language XOM -----Open X Object Management XON -----Transmitter On XOO -----Extended Operational Optimisation XOP -----X-rays Out of Plaster XOQ -----Example of Order Query XOR -----e Xclusive OR logic gate XOS -----e Xperimental Operating System XOT -----X 25 Over TCP XOU -----Extra Output Unit XOV -----Crossover Overview XOW -----XML Output Writer XOX -----Noughts and Crosses game also OXO, XXO XOY -----Executive Officer Yeomanry XOZ -----Extra Output Zero XPA -----X-band Planar Array XPB -----Xlib Playback Benchmark XPC -----e Xtended Processing Cabinet XPD -----Cross Polar Discrimination XPE -----Extreme Performance Enhancement XPF -----Explo sion-release Factor XPG -----X 400 Promotion Group XPH -----Explosion Hazard XPI -----Extra Paranormal Investigation XPJ -----Experimental Patrol North American Aircraft XPK -----External Packer XPL -----Explosive XPM -----Cross-Phase Modulation XPN -----Explosive-Neutralized XPO -----Explosive-Optimized XPP -----Express Paid Post XPQ -----La Managua-Quepos, Costa Rica XPR -----Ex-Privileges XPS -----X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy XPT -----Cross Point XPU -----X-band Pulse Unit XPV -----Experimental Patrol Lockheed Aircraft XPW -----Extreme Pro Wrestling XPX -----Executive Physical Examination XPY -----Experimental Patrol Consolidated Aircraft XPZ -----Curriculum and Research Directorate XQA -----XML Query Algebra XQB -----Ex-Quarterback XQC -----X-Ray Quantum Calorimeter XQD -----Experimental Quality Determination XQE -----XQuery Engine XQF -----Express Quick Form XQG -----Minnesota West Community and Technical College Library XQH -----Excess Quantity Holdover XQI -----XML Query Int erface XQJ -----Minnesota West Community and Technical College at Jackson Library XQK -----Expansion of Quadratic Kernal XQL -----XML Query Language XQM -----Xmail Queue Manager XQN -----XML Qualified Name XQO -----XML Query Operation XQP -----Extended QIO Processor XQQ -----Airway Heights Washington Correctional Center Library XQR -----Extended Query Record XQS -----Experimental Query System XQT -----Super Calc Macro Sheet XQU -----Unknown Quality Unit XQV -----e Xtra-Quiet Vehicle XQW -----XML Document Management System XQX -----XML Relational Database Interface XQY -----Kettle Falls Washington Public Library XQZ -----Excuse XRA -----X-Ray Analysis XRB -----X-Ray Background XRC -----Extended Remote Collaboration XRD -----X-Ray Diffraction XRE -----X-Ray Event XRF -----X Re Ference axis reference point XRG -----Experimental Reentry Glider XRH -----X-Ray Hazard XRI -----X-Ray Image XRJ -----Extreme Rain Jacket XRK -----Experimental Transport Kinner Aircraft XRL -----e Xtended Range Lan ce XRM -----X-Ray Microanalyser XRN -----X-window News Reader XRO -----X-Ray Optics XRP -----X-Ray Photon XRQ -----Experimental Transport Fairchild Aircraft XRR -----X-Ray Reflectometer XRS -----X-Ray Spectrometer XRT -----e X Righ Ts financial, without rights XRU -----X-Ray Unit XRV -----X-Ray Vector XRW -----X-Ray Warming XRX -----X-Ray Experiment XRY -----X-Ra Y XRZ -----Extension of Reconnaissance Zone XSA -----XML Software Autoupdate XSB -----X-Sokobon XSC -----Extensions for Scientific Computation XSD -----e Xtra Space Design XSE -----Xray Scattering Energy XSF -----Xavier Science Foundation XSG -----Experimental Scout-Great Lakes XSH -----XML Editing Shell XSI -----Xray Shielding and Insulation XSJ -----Ex-Society of Jesus XSK -----Xilinx Student Kit XSL -----e Xstensible Stylesheet Language XSM -----Xray Stress Management XSN -----Xtended Stay Network XSO -----Excess Speed Observed XSP -----Xylem Sap Potential XSQ -----e Xtreme Spreadsheet Quality methodology XSR -----Experimen tal Sports Roadster XSS -----e Xperimental Space Station XST -----e Xi ST XSU -----X-band Satellite Unit XSV -----Transfer cost System Value XSW -----X-band antenna SWitch XSX -----mysterious subversive organisation, meaning not known XSY -----Extended School Year XSZ -----Xerox High Technology Company of Shenzhen XTA -----Experimental Trainer-Air Cooled XTB -----Experimental Torpedo Boeing Aircraft XTC -----ie YAK -----Yakovlev Russian aircraft design bureau YAL -----Yemeni American League YAM -----Yet Another Mistake YAN -----Yes And No YAO -----Youth Action Online YAP -----Yet Another Platform YAQ -----Yet Another Question YAR -----Young Adult Representative YAS -----Youth After School YAT -----Youth Asociation Team YAU -----Youth Affairs Unit YAV -----Yuppie Assault Vehicle YAW -----You re A W r YAX -----Young Adult Smoker YAY -----Yet Another YACC YACC Yet Another Compiler Compiler YAZ -----Carl YAstr Zemski baseball player YBA -----Young Buddhist Association YBB -----You ve Been Beaten YBC -----yttrium-barium-copper YBD -----You Back Down YBE -----Yearly Basic Exemption YBF -----You ve Been Framed YBG -----Youth Baseball Glove YBH -----You ve Been Had YBI -----Youth Business International YBJ -----Youth Bowl Japan YBK -----Why Be Killed Binary options gorilla lug Rating The Dealing Centers On Forex The future of photography Samsung Gear 360 Full Review These 360-degree cameras are a big deal We re in the first generation still, but consider the following YBL -----You ve Been Lazy YBM -----Youth Build Mc Lean YBN -----Young Blood Needed YBO -----Young Bucks Outdoors YBP -----Coalition of Young Black Professionals YBQ -----Tadoule Lake Canada YBR -----Yellow Brick Road YBS -----Your Big Sister YBT -----Yeshiva B nei Torah YBU -----Yellow Book Update YBV -----Yucca Bacata Vespertina YBW -----Yachting and Boating World magazine YBX -----Young Brothers Exchange YBY -----Yarmouth Boat Yard YBZ -----Yad Ben-Zvi YCA -----Yokogawa Corporation of America YCB -----Youth Coordinating Board YCC -----Youth Conservation Corps YCD -----Youth Community Development YCE -----You Can t Enter YCF -----Yankee Critical Facility YCG -----Young Carmelite Group YCH -----Youth Crisis Hotline YCI -----Youth Challenge International YCJ -----Young Champions for Jesus YCK -----Yekitiya Ciwanen Kurd YCL -----Young Communist League YCM -----Youth Council of Montenegro YCN -----Youth Challenge Network YCO -----York College Observatory YCP -----Youth Collaboration Project YCQ -----Yacht Club of Quebec YCR -----Youth Council Representative YCS -----You Can t be Serious YCT -----You Can t Type YCU -----Yard Craft, Utility Naval Vessel Type YCV -----Youth Council Voice YCW -----You Can t Win YCX -----Youth Club Extreme YCY -----Youth Council of Yugoslavia YCZ -----Youth for Christ Zimbabwe YDA -----Young Democrats of America YDB -----Yamaha Drum Bag YDC -----Youth for Development and Co-operation YDD -----Youth Development Department YDE -----Youth Development through Employmen t YDF -----Youth Deliberative Forum YDG -----Yard De-Gaussing vessel YDH -----Yeshiva Derech Ha Torah YDI -----Youth Development International YDJ -----Youth Development Journal YDK -----You Don t Know YDL -----Youth Development Leadership YDM -----You Da Man YDN -----Youth Development Network YDO -----Youth Development Officer YDP -----Youth Development Program YDQ -----Your Daily Quiz YDR -----Young Dancers in Repertory YDS -----Young Democratic Socialists YDT -----Yardcraft, Diving Tender Naval Vessel Type YDU -----You Don t Understand YDV -----Young Dumb and Violent YDW -----Youth Development Worker YDX -----Yankee Book Peddler YDY -----Youth Defending Youth YDZ -----Youth Development Zone YEA -----Youth Environmental Associates YEB -----Young Entrepreneurs at Berkeley YEC -----Youth Evangelical Conference YED -----Yeovil Electronic Developments, Limited YEE -----Youth and Environment Europe YEF -----Young Engineers Forum YEG -----Youth Experiencing God YEH -----Youth Enterprise Hu b YEI -----Youth for Energy Independence YEJ -----Youth Encounter Jesus YEK -----Youth Entrepreneurs of Kansas YEL -----YEL Electronics Limited YEM -----Youth Empowerment Mission YEN -----Youth of European Nationalities YEO -----Your Eyes Only YEP -----Youth Empowerment Project YEQ -----Young Engineers Queensland YER -----Youth En Route YES -----Youth Education Series YET -----You re Eligible, Too YEU -----Yukon Employees Union YEV -----Yazaki EDS Vietnam, Ltd for Quebec ATH -----Abbreviated Trouble History ABB -----abbreviation HRV -----abbreviation for Croatia ANM -----Abbreviation with No Meaning AAI ----- Abbreviations, Acronyms and Initialisms ABD -----abdicated AXR -----Abdominal X-Ray AUJ -----Aberdeen University Journal AZV -----Abfallzweckverband AYN -----Aboriginal Youth Network ABT -----About ABV -----above AAB -----Above And Beyond ALQ -----Abraham Lincoln Quarterly AJM -----Abrasive Jet Machining AWJ -----Abrasive Water Jet ABR -----abridged AJV -----Abrupt Junction Varact or AWL -----Absent With Leave ABF -----Absolute Bloody Final drink AOF -----Absolute Open Flow AQU -----Absolute Quality University AWT -----Abstract Window Toolkit java AYV -----Abutilon Yellow Virus AIS -----Academic Instruction School AYG -----Academic Year Grant AZG -----Academisch Ziekenhuis Groningen AGK -----Academy of Goju Karate AIB -----Academy of International Business AJK -----Academy of Japanese Karate ACC -----Accelerate AGP -----Accelerated Graphics Port ARI -----Accelerated Research Initiative APG -----Accelerating Population Growth AQL -----Acceptable Quality Level AUP -----Acceptable Use Policy ABU -----Acceptance for Beneficial Use AII -----Acceptance Inspection Instruction ATR -----Acceptance Test Report AHC -----Accepting Houses Committee AXS -----access ACL -----Access Control List ARL -----Access Rights List ASG -----Access Service Group ASR -----Access Service Request AUI -----Access Unit Interface AIU -----Accident Investigation Unit ADB -----Accidental Death B enefit APV -----Accounts Payable Voucher AIM -----Accuracy In Media AQJ -----Ace-Queen-Jack AQX -----Ace-Queen-Unknown ABE -----Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol solvent AXM -----Acetoxycyclohexamide ACH -----Acetylcholine ACD -----acid citrate dextrose ACK -----acknowledged CUU -----ACM Conference on Universal Usability ANS -----Acorn Net Station AUN -----Acorn Universal Networking ACQ -----acquisition AQP -----Acquisition Quality Plan ALR -----Action Leakage Rate ASH -----Action on Smoking and Health ACX -----Active Control e Xperts AGN -----Active Galactic Nucleus AUO -----Active User Object ADO -----Active X Data Objects AIJ -----Activities Implimented Jointly AIO ----- Activities, Interests and Opinions ABH -----Actual Bodily Harm AGW -----Actual Gross Weight AGZ -----Actual Ground Zone ANP -----Actual Navigation Performance AML -----Acute Myeloid Leukemia AMI -----Acute Myocardial Infarction APU -----Acute Psychiatric Unit ARF -----Acute Respiratory Failure AUL -----Acute Undifferentiated Leukemia AHM -----Acutely Hazardous Materials AHG -----Ad Hoc Group ADL -----Ada design language QVJ -----Adams Massachusetts Library ALN -----Adaptive Learning Network ACS -----Additional Curates Society ADR -----Additional Dialogue Recording film jargon ADY -----Additional Duty AXC -----Additional e Xtended Coverage AEC -----Additional Extended Coverage AVC -----Additional Voluntary Contributions AKR -----Address Key Register AMP -----Adenosine Mono Phosphate AYP -----Adequate Yearly Progress ABO -----Adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer AMF -----Adios My Friend ADJ -----Adjutant ADM -----administration AAJ -----Administrative Appeals Judge ACO -----Administrative Contract Office ARE -----Admiralty Research Establishment ARJ -----Admission Reject AOX -----Adsorbable Organohalogens ADV -----advance AAH -----Advanced Attack Helicopter AEG -----Advanced Engineering from Germany AXX -----Advanced Exchange Experiment AXV -----Advanced Experimental Vehicle AXL -----Advanced e Xtended markup Language AFW -----Advanced Fire Wire AGR -----Advanced Gas-cooled nuclear Reactor AGC -----Advanced Graduate Certificate AIN -----Advanced Intelligent Network AIX -----Advanced Interactive e Xecutive AJT -----Advanced Job Training AJP -----Advanced Joint Planning APT -----Advanced Passenger Train AQF -----Advanced Quick Fix ARS -----Advanced Righting System ASS -----Advanced Sensor System ASX -----Advanced Systems e Xcellence ATB -----Advanced Technology Bomber ATX -----Advanced Technology Extended Format AVS -----Advanced Visual Systems AWM -----Advanced Warehouse Management AXF -----Advanced X-Ray Facility VAN -----ad VANtage tennis AEL -----Adverse Effect Level ACY -----Advocates for Children and Youth AEQ -----aequalis Latin equal AOT -----Aerosol Open Test AET ----- aetatis Latin at the end of, aged AFF -----affiliated AFG -----Afghanistan AFR -----Africa ANC -----African National Congress AVU -----African Virtual University ACP ----- African, Carribean and Pacific countries AWB -----Afri kaner Weerstandbeweging right-wing political party in South Africa ZAF -----Afrique du Sud code ISO de pays AFT -----after ADS -----After Dinner Speaking AHR -----After Heat Removal ARO -----After Receipt of Order AXY -----Aftercastle Yearbook AOE -----Age Of l Egends AFP -----Agence France-Presse ARH -----Agence rgionale de l hospitalisation AGY -----agency AQW -----Agenda Quik-Writing AGT -----agent AXT -----AGETOR XML Transformation AXJ -----Agility Excellent Jumper AWF -----Aging Waste Facility AGD -----Agreed AGE -----Agricultural Engineer ALT -----Agricultural Lands Tribunal ARC -----Agricultural Research Council AUA -----Agricultural Unit of Account AKE -----Agrotikon Komma Ellados AHD -----Ahead AAL -----Aid Association for Lutherans ANB -----Aids to Navigation Boat AAK ----- Aim, Attack, Kill ACM -----Air Chief-Marshall ADC -----Air Defence Command AEM -----Air Efficiency Medal AFB -----Air Force Base AFH -----Air Force Handbook AFM -----Air Force Medal AHU -----Air Handling U nit AJX -----Air Japan AKL -----Air Kilroe ALO -----Air Liaison Officer ANG -----Air National Guard AOA -----Air Officer in charge of Administration APZ -----Air Patrol Zone AQA -----Air Quality Assessment AQC -----Air Quality Control AQD -----Air Quality Digest AQG -----Air Quality Guidelines AQI -----Air Quality Index AQM -----Air Quality Monitoring AQS -----Air Quality Standard AQV -----Air Quality Valuation ASO -----Air Staff Officer AAM -----Air to Air Missile ATC -----Air Traffic Control ATA -----Air Transport Auxillary AVH -----Air Vehicle Handler AWS -----Air Warfare Course AWI -----Air Water Interface ABN -----Air Bor N AEW -----Airborne Early Warning CVW -----Aircraft Carrier Air Wing AHV -----Aircraft Handling Vehicle AIK -----Aircraft Installation Kits AOG -----Aircraft on Ground ACW -----Air Craft Woman ACV -----Air-Cushion Vehicle ALW -----Air-Launched Weapon AQE -----Airman Qualifying Examination AOV -----Air-Operated Valve ATZ -----Airport Traffic Zone ARP -----Air-Raid Precautions ASI -----Air Speed Indicator AUM -----Air-to-Underwater Missile AWY -----Airway ASK -----Akademische Software Kooperation AGA -----Aktiebolaget Gasackumulator cooker AHK -----Aktiv Hinten Kinematik ABZ ----- Al, Bill, and Zorn Manufacturing, Inc AAX -----Area of Absolute e Xclusion AAZ -----Areas And Zones ARG -----arginine RXZ -----Arginine-Alanine-Proline proteins ANL -----Argonne National Laboratory AYE -----Argue Your End ALI -----Argyl Light Infantry ALU -----Arithmetic and Logic Unit computing ADE -----Arizona Department of Education AZQ -----Arizona Quarterly AZX -----Arizona Stock Exchange AJG -----Arizone Jojoba Growers ARK -----Arkansas AHP -----Arkansas Highway Police AHE -----Armament Handling Equipment ASD -----Armament Supply Department APO -----Armed Forces or Army Post Office AMV -----Armored Maintenance Vehicle AFV -----Armoured Fighting Vehicle AIV -----Armoured Infantry Vehicle APC -----Armoured Personnel Carrier AAC -----Army Air Corps AAF -----Army Air Force ACF -----Army Cadet Force AER -----Army Emergency Reserve AHN -----Army Health Nurse AKN -----Army Knowledge Network AKO -----Army Knowledge On-line ANV -----Army of Northern Virginia AOD -----Army Ordnance Department APD -----Army Pay Department AQB -----Army Qualifications Battery ASC -----Army Service Corps AVR -----Army Volunteer Reserve AWR -----Army War Reserve AYT -----Army Youth Team ARR -----arrangement AOO -----Art lending Of Ottawa AON -----Art Of Noise ATD -----Art Teacher s Diploma AID -----Artificial Insemination by Donor AIH -----Artificial Insemination by Husband AMN -----Artificial Mains Network AOY -----Artist of the Year AFY -----Arts For Youth AHH -----Aryl Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase used in tobacco research AZF -----As If AHS -----Ashland High School APN -----Asia Pacific Networx AZN -----Asian used in singles ads AXQ -----Asian Xgames Qualifier ASN -----asparagine AMB -----Asparagus Mustard Blancmange Francis Xavier Xaverian Brothers CIO -----Congress of Indus trial Organizations CMH -----Congressional Medal of Honor CQK -----Conjunctuur CTE -----Connected Terminal Equipment CMX -----Connected-Moments e Xpansion CLL -----Connection Less Layer CCH -----Connections per Circuit Hour CJY -----Conrail Jackson Yard CLZ -----Conservation Lower Zambesi CMC -----Conservation Monitoring Centre CYH -----Consider Yourself Hugged CYK -----Consider Yourself Kissed CFF -----Consistent Force Field CLE -----Console Local Equipment CTY -----Console Telet Ype CXK -----Consolidated Norex Resources Corporation CQV -----Consolidated Suntec Ventures CGM -----Conspicuous Gallantry Medal CLV -----Constant Linear Velocity CVT -----Constant Variable Transmission in vehicles CVJ -----Constant Velocity Joint CLP -----Constituency Labour Party CQZ -----Constrained Quartet Zeta Basis Set CIP -----Construction Installation Procedure CQA -----Construction Quality Assurance CTL -----Constructive Total Loss CGJ -----Consulate General of Japan CGK -----Consulate General of Ken ya CUJ -----Consumers Union of Japan CLW -----Contaminated Liquid Waste CPZ -----Contingency Planning Zone CNT -----continued CEW -----Continuing Education Workshop CRI -----Continuity Recheck Incoming CEM -----Continuous Effluent Monitor CQI -----Continuous Quality Improvement CVZ -----Continuous Visibility Zone CWJ -----Continuous Wave Jammer CWL -----Continuous Working Level CBB -----Contract Budget Baseline CWN -----Contract Work Notification CQL -----Contractual Quantitation Limit CBO -----Control Board Operator CDK -----Control Development Kit CSN -----Control Symbol Number CTZ -----Control Traffic Zone CCV -----Control-Configured Vehicle CIZ -----Controlled Injury Zone CQR -----Controlled Quick Release CON -----Convention CMS -----Conversational Monitor System WZX -----Conversion Buffer Overflow CEY -----Conversion Electron Yield CWR -----Cooling Water Return CKG -----Cooperative Key Generation CPJ -----Cooperative Phantom Jamming CWS -----Cooperative Wholesale Society CUT ----- Coordinated Universal Time CWG -----Coordination Working Group CJW -----Coplanar Joined Wing COW -----Copy On Write CRR -----Corby s Royal Reserve CVU -----Corel-draw and Ventura Users Club COR -----Corinthians new testament CNR -----Corner CXJ -----Corner Expansion Joint CME -----Coronal Mass Ejection CCU -----Coronary Care Unit CPL -----Corporal CNP -----Corporate Network Product CBF -----Corps Benevolent Fund Brit Army Regt in house charities CSH -----Corps Support Hospital CAH -----Cosine Adjacent CAF -----Cost And Freight US CBA -----Cost Benefit Analysis CEB -----Cost Estimate Breakdown CIF -----Cost Insurance Freight COQ -----Cost Of Quality CQM -----Cost Quality Management CWP -----Cost Work Program CFI ----- Cost, Freight and Insurance COT -----cotangent CJE -----Council for Jewish Elderly CLY -----Council for Lutheran Youth CEI -----Council of Engineering Institutions CEQ -----Council on Environmental Quality CCW -----counterclockwise CSK -----countersink CLA -----Country Lan downer s Association CMT -----Country Music Television CNW -----Country n Western music CQW -----Coupled Quantum Well DHL -----courier company CDW -----Course Development Workshop CQB -----Court of Queens Bench COV -----covariance CGE -----Cover Gas Equalization CGF -----Cover Gas Feed CYA -----Cover Your Ass CYB -----Cover Your Butt GXQ -----Coyhaique Chile COF -----Cradle Of Filth british black metal band CDM -----Craft Design Metalwork CDT -----Craft Design Technology CKP -----Crankshaft Position CBM -----Crash-prone Buggy Machines CWY -----Crashworthy CCS -----Creative Curriculuum Software CLJ -----Credit Lyonnais Japan CRB -----Cremer-Rao Bound KQZ -----Cretaceous Quiet Zone CJD -----Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease CCI -----Crevice Corrosion Index CPE -----Crew Procedure Engineer CVS -----Crime Victim Support CWA -----Crime Writers Association CID -----Criminal Investigation Department CJJ -----Criminal Justice Journalists CFZ -----Critical Friendly Zone CPA -----Critical Path Analysis CPG -----Critical Population Group CTP -----Critical Technical Parameter CTQ -----Critical To Quality CVX -----Critical Velocity Experiment CQC -----Critres-Qualit-Contrles CGR -----Crop Growth Rate CXG -----Cross e Xamination Game CXW -----Cross e Xamination Work CQY -----Cross of Queen s Yeoman XBR -----cross-Band Radar XBC -----Cross-Border Connection CWW -----Cruciform Wing Weapon CVV -----Cryo Vacuum Vessel CNV -----Crypto Net Variable CSQ -----Cryptofacility Security Questionnaire CIK -----Crypto-Ignition Key CNK -----Crypto Net Key XBO -----Crystal Beat Oscillator CZI -----Crystalline Zinc Insulin CUB -----cubic CBN -----Cubic Boron Nitride CFD -----Cubic Feet per Day CFH -----Cubic Feet per Hour CFM -----Cubic Feet per Minute CFS -----Cubic Feet per Second CKV -----Culturele en Kunstzinnige Vorming CUM -----cumulative CCT -----Cumulative Cycle Time CDF -----Cumulative Distribution Function CUR -----currency CPP -----Current Purchasing Power IXV -----Current times Voltage CWE -- ---Current Work Estimate CUS -----Customer CIQ -----Customer Information Quality CNM -----Customer Network Management CQF -----Customer Quality Forum CIM -----Customer-Interface Management CUX -----Cuxhaven Germany national vehicle registration code CKK -----Cyanogen Chloride CTH -----Cycle Test Hours CPH -----Cycles Per Hour CRC -----Cyclic Redundancy Check CNZ -----Cycling New Zealand CYP -----Cyclists Yellow Pages CYX -----Cyclohexane CHX -----Cyclohexanol COX -----Cyclooxygenase CYC -----cyclopedia CYZ -----Cyclothiazide CYL -----cylinder CYM -----Cymric XAK -----Cyprus Stock Exchange in Greek CYS -----cysteine CMV -----Cyto Megalo Virus CYT -----Cytosine CZK -----Czech Koruna CZH -----Czechoslovak ian DKB -----Daichi Kaigin Bank DKS -----Daihatsu K-car Spirits DLY -----Daily DCQ -----Daily Contract Quality DFL -----Daily Flight Log DJC -----Daily Journal of Commerce DOR -----Daily Operations Report DXJ -----Daiwa Deluxe Jacket DAK -----Dakota DML -----Dakota Mailing List DBU ----- Dallas Baptist University DAS -----Damage Assessment Strike DCO -----Damage Control Officer DWF -----Damaged Weapons Facility DCB -----Dame Commander of the order of the Bath DBE -----Dame commander of the order of the British Empire DYE -----Damn Your Eyes DZW -----Danger Zone Wrestling DHV -----Dangerously High Violence DAN -----Daniel bible DGF -----Danmarks Gymnastik Forbund DKO -----Dansk Karate Organisation DKK -----Dansk Kennel Klub DPK -----Dansk Parakart Klub DTK -----Dansk Traekhunde Klubb DVY -----Daphne Virus Y-poty DGY -----Dark Grey DQK -----Dark Queen of Krynn DAL -----Data Access Line DAM -----Data Access Manager DAQ -----Data Ac Quisition DBK -----Data Ban K DCF -----Data Capture Facility DCD -----Data Carrier Detect DCR -----Data Command Release DCE -----Data Communications Equipment DCW -----Data Control Words DDF -----Data Decryption Field DDL -----Data Definition Language DDE -----Data Dictionary Entry DED -----Data Element Definition DEK -----Data Encryption Key D EU -----Data Encryption Unit DEB -----Data Evaluation Board DER -----Data Evaluation Record DXI -----Data Exchange Interface DXN -----Data Exchange Navigator DEI -----Data Export DXT -----Data e Xtract T facility DFU -----Data File Utility DFA -----Data Flow Analyst DFD -----Data Flow Diagram DIS -----Data Indicate Stopped DID -----Data Item Description DLM -----Data Line Monitor DLO -----Data Line Occupied DLH -----Data Link layer Header DMP -----Data Management Plan DMU -----Data Management Unit DOV -----Data Over Voice DPG -----Data Processing Group DPQ -----Data Processing Quality DPS -----Data Processing System DPD -----Data Program Directive DQA -----Data Quality Assessment DQC -----Data Quality Control DQI -----Data Quality Index DQM -----Data Quality Manager DQO -----Data Quality Objective DQV -----Data Quality Verification DQX -----Data Quality-Pixel DQY -----Data Query File DQF -----Data Query Function DQW -----Data Query Worktable DRP -----Data Record and Playback DRF -----D ata Reduction Facility DRT -----Data Reduction Team DRL -----Data Requirement List DRU -----Data Retrieval Unit DRN -----Data Routing Network DSU -----Data Service Unit DSG -----Data Systems Group DTE -----Data Terminal Equipment DTR -----Data Terminal Ready DTX -----Data Throughput enhanced DTB -----Data Transfer Bus DTN -----data transmission network DUV -----Data Under Voice DVR -----Data Validation Review DBF -----Data Base File DBO -----Database Operation DQL -----Database Query Language DOB -----Date Of Birth DTG -----Date Time Group DTD -----Date D DUM -----Dator Utskottet foer Mdstudenter DAR -----Daughters of the American Revolution DOK -----Daughters of the King DLT -----Dave Lee Travis radio presenter DMB -----Dave Matthews Band DVW -----da Vinci World Forum DJL -----Davy Jones Locker DKH -----Day Kimball Hospital DMY -----Day Month Year DOW -----Day Of Week DOY -----Day of Year DST -----Daylight Saving Time DBD -----Dead By Dawn DOA -----Dead On Arrival DUK -----Dead Upon K eyboard DWT -----Dead Weight Tonnage DYL -----Dead Yet Living DDM -----Deadlock Detection Mechanism DWW -----Deaf World Web DYT -----Deaf Youth Today DLF -----Dear Little Friend DAI -----Death from Accidental Injury DZF -----Deazafolic Acid DWS -----Debris Washing System DIX ----- DEC, Intel, Xerox DKL -----Deca Liter DKT -----Decatherm DHR -----Decay Heat Removal DEC -----December DBL -----Deci Bel Limit DBW -----Deci Bel Watt DBV -----Decibels referenced to 1 Volt DXZ -----Decimal Dollars DGD -----Decision Guidance Document DUC -----Decision Unit Coordinator DDO -----Decline Definite Offer DWP -----Decommissioning Work Plan DSZ -----Decrement and Skip on Zero assembly language instruction DEY -----Decrement Index Register Y DPW -----Dedicated Professional Workforce DGR -----Deductible Gift Recipient XBS ----- deep bass thingy on big radio XBT -----Expendable Bathythermograph XBU -----Okanagan, British Columbia XBV -----Extreme Beach Volleyball XBW -----Extreme Backyard Wrestling XBX -----No Boundaries Exchange XBY -----Ex-Bromley Youth Concert Band XBZ -----XBox Zone XCA -----e Xtreme Circumstances Allowance XCB -----Extension Client Binding XCC -----Expectation-value Coupled-Cluster XCD -----East Caribbean Dollar XCE -----Exchange Carry and Emulation XCF -----Experimental Computing Facility XCG -----Xenopus Cement Gland XCH -----Exchange XCI -----XML Court Interface XCJ -----Cease data transmission of track XCK -----Extreme Chaos Kommando XCL -----e Xcess Current Liabilities XCM -----External Command XCN -----X-Chat Napsterizer XCO -----Cross Connection XCP -----e X Coupon financial term, without certain interest XCQ -----Executive Control Quotient XCR -----Xilinx Cool Runner XCS -----Xenos Christian School XCT -----Xtrak Catheter, Thrombus XCU -----e Xtreme Close Up XCV -----Experimental Carrier Vessel XCW -----Extreme Championship Wrestling XCX -----e Xtreme Circumstances e Xploration XCY -----Exact Company Name XCZ -----Xanthomonas Campestris Zinniae XDA ----- X-band Drive Amplifier XDB -----Extended Database XDC -----cross-point Data Conflict XDD -----e Xperimental Design Document XDE -----Xylene-Dioxane-Ethanol XDF -----e Xtended Distance Feature XDG -----e Xperimental Design Group XDH -----Xanthene De Hydrogenase XDI -----Xavier Dequaire International XDJ -----Xerox Disclosure Journal XDK -----XML Extensible Markup Language Developer s Kit XDL -----Extension to Specification and Description Language XDM -----XML Documentation Mark-up XDN -----Xsonic Data Now XDO -----Extensible Data Object XDP -----e Xtended Data Processing XDQ -----Disqualified for previous better time XDR -----e Xtended Dynamic Range XDS -----Xerox Data Systems XDT -----Xenon Discharge Tube XDU -----Graphical Disk Usage XDV -----Experimentelle Daten Verarbeitung XDW -----Xerox Docu Works XDX -----Xenon Discharge Experiment XDY -----Malayic Dayak XDZ -----Xian Development Zone XEA -----Express Electronic Access XEB -----Xe Business Limited XEC -----Experimental Estelle C ompiler XED -----XML EDitor XEE -----XML Query Execution Engine XEF -----Xenon Fluoride XEG -----X-ray Emission Gauge XEH -----Xenon Hydride XEI -----Xarxa d Ecologia Industrial XEJ -----Canal 5, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico XEK -----Standard and Poor s-Almax 300 Energy Index XEL -----Xcel Energy XEM -----e Xchange Electronic Mail XEN -----Xenophon XEO -----Standard and Poor s 100 Index Options XEP -----Dollar increase in Economic Profit XEQ -----e Xtra Easy Question XER -----XML Encoding Rule XES -----Xray Emission Spectra XET -----Xyloglucan Endo Transglycosylases XEU -----European Currency Unit XEV -----Volume of Energy Exports XEW -----X Examine WAD XEX -----Xenon Halide XEY -----European Youth Foundation XEZ -----Xenopus homolog of Drosophila Enhancer of Zeste XFA -----e Xtremely Fast Access XFB -----e Xtended File Broker XFC -----XSL Formatting Composer XFD -----Cross-Fee D XFE -----X Front End XFF -----e Xtended Feature Function XFG -----X-band Frequency Generator XFH -----X - ray Fluorescence Holography XFI -----X-band Frequency Interference XFJ -----Experimental Fighter North American Aviation XFK -----Experimental Fighter Fairchild Aviation XFL -----Extreme Football League XFM -----Exchange Force Microscopy XFN -----Experimental Frazer-Nash XFO -----XSL Formatting Object XFP -----Small Form-factor Pluggable XFQ -----Xenon-Filled Quartz XFR -----Experiments in the Future of Reading XFS -----e Xtra Fast System XFT -----Extremely Fast Tracker XFU -----Xenon Flash Unit XFV -----Experimental Fighter Vertical-takeoff XFW -----Crossing Fort Worth XFX -----e Xtra effects FX XFY -----Experimental Fighter Convair XFZ -----Xenopus Frizzled protein XGA -----e Xtended Graphics Array XGB -----Extreme Ghost Busters XGC -----e Xtension of the Goldbach Conjecture XGD -----Extended Graphics Display XGE -----Exogenous Genetic Engineer XGF -----XML Game Format XGG -----Xander Guardian Guild XGH -----Xenopus Growth Hormone XGI -----Xenopus laevis Gene Index XGJ -----Xantogra nuloma Juvenil XGK -----X-Generation Kit XGL -----Extra Grand Luxury XGM -----Cross-Gain Modulation XGN -----Extreme Gaming Network XGO -----Australian Gold Index XGP -----Xylophone and Glockenspiel Players XGQ -----Ex-Gentleman s Quarterly XGR -----Extreme Gaming Radio XGS -----Extreme Gaming Server XGT -----Extreme God Team XGU -----Guam, United States XGV -----Xerox Global View XGW -----Global Weather Dynamics, Incorporated XGX -----Extensible Graphics XGY -----Watervliet New York Public Library XGZ -----Xenogears Ground Zero XHA -----Canal 10, Colonia Guillermina, Durango, Mexico XHB -----XML Hand Book XHC -----e Xtra High Ceiling XHD -----Extra Heavy-Duty XHE -----Transport of Helium XHF -----Extra High Frequency XHG -----Extra High-Grade XHH -----Xanthomonas Hortorum Hederae XHI -----e Xtra High Intensity XHJ -----Experimental Helicopter Special Test Temporary XHK -----Xerox-Hong Kong XHL -----e Xtensible Hyperlinking Language XHM -----Xantus Healthplan for Mississippi XHN -----H ydrolytic Lime XHO -----Xanthamonas Holcicola XHP -----X-rays and Health Project XHQ -----Extreme High Quality XHR -----Xplizit Hardcore Recording XHS -----Exchangeable Hub System XHT -----X Heigh T printing term, typseize of letters excluding ascenders and descenders XHU -----Khua XHV -----Extremely High Vacuum XHW -----Extreme Hardware XHX -----Female Hemophilia Carrier XHY -----Extra High Yield XHZ -----Hertz value XIA -----Xanadu Information Architecture XIB -----XML Inline Binary XIC -----Xarxes d Intercanvi de Coneixements XID -----e Xchange IDentification XIE -----X-Image Extension XIF -----Xerox Image File XIG -----XML Interest Group XIH -----Hypothalamic Inhibiting Hormone XII -----Twelve XIJ -----Information Technology Market Index XIK -----XRT Integration Kit XIL -----Extensible Indexing Language XIM -----Extra Information Management XIN -----Extended Intensive-care Nursing XIO -----e Xtended Input-Output XIP -----e Xecution In Place XIQ -----Extreme Intelligence Quotient XI R -----XIAM Information Router XIS -----X-ray Isochromat Spectroscopy XIT -----exit XIU -----Xian International University XIV -----Fourteen XIW -----Warfighting Innovation Directorate XIX -----Nineteen XIY -----Female Albino Carrier XIZ -----Extra Initial Zero XJA -----Experimental Utility Atlantic Aircraft XJB -----Wireless Java Bluetooth XJC -----XML Java Compiler XJD -----XML Job Description XJE -----X-frame Java Environment XJF -----Experimental Utility Amphibian Grumman Aviation XJG -----Xassow Japan Guiding XJH -----Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States XJI -----Ex Jocks, Incorporated XJJ -----Juvenile Justice Department XJK -----Experimental Utility Transport Fairchild Aircraft XJL -----Experimental Utility Amphibian Columbia Aircraft XJM -----Embedded Java Machine XJN -----Experimental Utility Amphibian Naval Aircraft Factory XJO -----Experimental Utility Transport Lockheed Aircraft XJP -----Experimental Jet Pack XJQ -----Jonquiere, Quebec, Canada XJR -- ---Experimental Jaguar Racing XJS -----Experimental Jaguar Sports XJT -----e Xpansion Join T XJU -----Xinjiang University XJV -----Fourteen XJW -----Ex-Jehovah s Witness XJX -----XML to Java Transformation XJY -----Exchange of Japanese Yen XJZ -----Western European Languages and Literature XKA -----Kalkoti XKB -----Extension Keyboard XKC -----Experimental-11th Generation-Competition XKD -----Experimental-11th Generation Competition-2nd Generation XKE -----Kereho-Uheng XKF -----Khengkha XKG -----Ex-Kindergarten XKH -----Karahawyana XKI -----e Xtensible Key Infrastructure XKJ -----Kajali XKK -----Kaco XKL -----Kelinyau Kenyah XKM -----XML Key Management XKN -----Kayan River Kayan XKO -----Kiorr XKP -----Windows NT Extended Kanji Processing Council XKQ -----Koroni XKR -----Xakriaba XKS -----Corporate-Backed Trust Certificate XKT -----Christmas Island XKU -----Experimental Drone Vought Aircraft XKV -----Kgalagadi XKW -----Kembra XKX -----Karore XKY -----Western Kenyah XKZ -----Kurtokha XLA -----Excimer Laser XLB -----Xylem-Limited Bacteria XLC -----Excellence and Leadership for Communities XLD -----Experimental Laser Device XLE -----XML Lightweight Extractor XLF -----e Xtensible Log Format XLG -----Extra Large XLH -----X-Linked Hypophosphatemia XLI -----Forty-one XLJ -----X Liberalus Jaunimas XLK -----Xlook Visualisation Tool XLL -----Extended Linking Language XLM -----Extra-Light Mountain XLN -----Xtra Low Noise cable XLO -----e Xtra Large Orifice XLP -----X-Linked Lymphoproliferation XLQ -----Extra-Large Quotient XLR -----type of audio cable or socket XLS -----e Xce L Spreadsheet XLT -----XML Lexicons and Terminologies XLU -----Exclusive of Loading and Unloading XLV -----Extended Linux Video XLW -----e Xce L Web XLX -----Extra Learning Experience XLY -----Standard and Poor s Select Consumer Discretionary Fund XLZ -----Xi Lambda Zeta XMA -----X-ray Micro-Analysis XMB -----XML Message Board XMC -----Xpress Media Consulting XMD -----Expert Mold Design XME -----Kiss Me XM F -----e Xpanding Market Forces XMG -----Xavier Media Group XMH -----X-interface to Mail Handling XMI -----Seymour-Moss International XMJ -----Majera XMK -----Extreme Minimal Kernel XML -----e Xtended Markup Language XMM -----e Xtended Memory Manager XMN -----Transmission XMO -----Xylene Monooxygenase XMP -----Experimental Mathematical Programming XMQ -----XPS Multi Quant XMR -----X-ray Magnetic Resonance XMS -----e Xtended Memory Specificiation XMT -----Transmit XMU -----Xiamen University XMV -----Volume of Manufactured Exports XMW -----XMega Wave XMX -----X-protocol Multiplexer XMY -----Ximenynic Acid XMZ -----Mega View XGL Movie XNA -----Xinghua News Agency XNB -----Explore New Brunswick XNC -----Experimental Numerical Control XND -----X-Men Next Dimension XNE -----Xiamen Ningly Electronics XNF -----Xilinx Netlist Format XNG -----Crossing XNH -----Experimental Nagler Helicopter XNI -----Xerces Native Interface XNJ -----Experimental Trainer North American Aviation XNK -----Microsoft Exchange Shortcut XNL -----Ex-National League XNM -----Experimental Trainer Martin Aircraft XNN -----Xena News Network XNO -----Experimental Network Operation XNP -----Experimental Network Protocol XNQ -----Experimental Trainer Fairchild Aircraft XNR -----X-based News Reader XNS -----Xerox Network Services XNT -----e Xcelle NT XNU -----Exclude Non-Unique XNV -----Volume of Non-manufactured Exports XNW -----Explorations North West XNX -----Xinstitute X XNY -----Xin Nan Yue Ceramics Ltd AAU -----Amateur Athletic Union america APA -----Amateur Press Association AXG -----Amax Gold AZJ -----Amazonenjagd AWQ -----Ambient Water Quality AOZ -----Ambulantes Operations Zentrum AMD -----amend AOL -----America On Line ARV -----American standard Revised Edition AAA -----American Academy of Advertising SWV -----American all-female soul performers ABA -----American Basketball Association ABL -----American Basketball League ABS -----American Broadcasting System ACJ -----American Communication Journal ACI -----American Concrete Institute AEP -----American Electrical Power AEV -----American Emergency Vehicles AEF -----American Expeditionary Forces AEI -----American Express International AFL -----American Federation of Labor AFS -----American Field Scholarship AFI -----American Film Institute AFC -----American Football Conference AHI -----American Honey Institute AJH -----American Jewish History AJI -----American Jewish Institute AJY -----American Jewish Youth AJR -----American Journalism Review Periodical AKF -----American Kidney Fund ALL -----American Liberty League AMZ -----American Maritime Zone AMA -----American Medical Association AMC -----American Motor Company AMX -----American Motorcross X AMS -----American Musicological Society AMJ -----American Muslims for Jerusalem ANQ -----American Notes and Queries AJA -----American of Japanese Ancestry AOU -----American Ornithologists Union AOJ -----American Orthoptic Journal API -----American Petroleum Institute QQG -----American Phila telic Research Library APS -----American Psychological Society TVT -----American record company ASL -----American Sign Language ASQ -----American Society for Quality ASZ -----American Society of Zoologists ASV -----American Standard Version UPN -----american television network AUY -----American Union of Youth AUH -----American University Hospital AUK -----American University in Kyrgyzstan AVD -----American Vetinary Department AWG -----American Wire Gauge AWH -----American Women s Hospitals AYR -----American Year in Review AYH -----American Youth Hockey AYY -----American Youth Yoga AZL -----American Z Lines AZA -----American Zinc Association AZC -----American Zionist Council AZM -----American Zionist Movement AZY -----American Zionist Youth AJJ -----Americans for Justice on the Job ALX -----America s Learning Exchange MXY -----AMEX Mexico Index ADK -----Ammosov Delone and Krainov atomic tunnelling model AWK ----- Amo, Weinberger, Kernighan programming language AMT -----amount AMY -----A mpere Modulated Yielding APK -----Amplitude Phase Keying AEX -----Amsterdam stock EXchange AAN -----An Amazing Night AFE -----Analog Front End AVB -----Analog Video Bandwidth AAD -----Analogue Analogue Digital recording technique ADD -----Analogue Digital Digital AQT -----Analytical Query Time ANE -----Anarchy N Explosives AOH -----Ancient Order of Hibernians AOR -----And AMM -----And Much More AYA -----And Yet Again ATK -----Andrew Tool Kit AUE -----Andrew User Environment AYI -----Angle of Yaw Indicator ASA -----Angle Side Angle AZB -----Angular Z-Buffer ray-tracing algorithm ANH ----- Anhang German appendix, of a book AGU -----Anhydroglucose Units AXU -----Animal Expo Unlimited AFO -----Animal Feeding Operations AHL -----Animal Health Laboratories ANN -----annals ZBX -----Annawan-Alba Illinois Township Library ADZ -----Annual Day Zero AGM -----Annual General Meeting ALF -----Annual Licence Fee APR -----Annual Percentage Rate APY -----Annual Percentage Yield AQQ -----Annual Qualifica tions Questionnaire AYL -----Annual Yearly Loss ANR -----another AMQ -----Another Moronic Question AFQ -----Answers Facts and Questions ANT -----antenna ATU -----Antenna Tuning Unit APH -----Ante Partum Haemorrhage ALH -----Anterior Lobe Hormone AKZ -----Antiarmor Kill Zone ABM -----Anti-Ballistic Missle ABX -----Antibiotics ADH -----Anti Duretic Hormone AHF -----Anti Haemophilic Factor AIZ -----Anti-Imperialistische Zelle n German AJD -----Anti-Jam Display AJE -----Anti-Jam Equipment AJF -----Anti-Jam Frequency AXE -----Antique e Xercise Equipment ASW -----Anti Submarine Work ATT -----Anti Tetanus Toxoid AVX -----Anti Virus e Xpert ALY -----Antroposofisen Laaketieteen Yhdistyksen AOP -----Any Old Place AOB -----Any Other Business AQK -----Any Quick Kiss AOC -----Apellation d Origine Controlee AKP -----Apogee Kick Planning APP -----apparatus AQY -----Apparent Quantum Yield ATJ -----Appendices To Journals ATQ -----Apple Talk Transition Queue AMK -----Applied Materials Korea name of a co mpany ARM -----Applied Research Methods ART -----Applied Risc Technologies AKT -----Apprentice Knowledge Test ADF -----Approved Deposit Fund ADI -----Approved Driving Instructor AQR -----Approximate and Qualitative Reasoning group APX -----approximately ASU -----Arab Socialist Union AUZ -----Arbeitskreis Umfassende Zahnheilkunde AZK -----Arbeitsnehmer Zentrum Koenigswinter ARB -----arbitrager AVW -----Arbor Vitae Woodruff School ATN -----arc tangent WXK -----Archaeologie library cataloguing ABP -----Archbishop ANY -----Architecture New York AZW -----Architektur Zentrum Wien AZP -----Archiv fuer die Zivilistische Praxis AGQ -----Archives Gaies du Quebec AJU -----Archives Juives AUB -----Are yo U Bored of oil BMR -----Basal Metabolic Rate BCO -----Base Central Office BDF -----Base Defense Force BDZ -----Base Defense Zone BDB -----Base Development Board BDD -----Base Development Doctrine BDP -----Base Development Plan BXX -----Base Exchange Experiment BHW -----Base Hazardous Waste BLO --- --Base Level Operations BPU -----Base Production Unit BQM -----Base Quartermaster BSG -----Base Spares Group BSB -----Base Support Battalion BIU -----Baseband Interface Unit BSD -----Baseline System Description BNA -----Base-Neutral-Acid BXK -----Bashkir BAS -----Basic Activity Subset BCT -----Basic Combat Training BEC -----Basic Emergency Care BXR -----Basic e Xpande R BFT -----Basic Flying Training BGU -----Basic Generation Unit BGM -----Basic Guided Missile BIL -----Basic Insulation Level BII -----Basic Issue Item BLU -----Basic Link Unit BMU -----Basic Measurement Unit BMT -----Basic Motion Time-study BNU -----Basic Networking Utilities BQT -----Basic Qualification Training BQQ -----Basic Qualifying Question BRI -----Basic Rate Interface BCX -----Basic to C Translator BUT -----Basic Unit Training BUU -----Basic User Unit BWP -----Basic War Plan BZS -----Basic Zirconium Sulphate BZX -----Basic Zone e Xpansion BOI -----Basis Of Issue BNK ----- Bass, Nixon, and Kennedy, Consulting Eng ineers BGV -----Basset Griffon Vendeen Club BLD -----Bass Line Design BTH -----bath BIW -----Bath Iron Works BHQ -----Battalion Head Quarters BMI -----Battelle Memorial Institute BDG -----Batten s Disease Gene BTY -----battery BBU -----Battery Back-Up BDU -----Battery Display Unit BLC -----Battery Level Computer BRU -----Battery Regulation Unit BCV -----Battle Command Vehicle BGI -----Battle Group Interoperability BMO -----Battle Management Organization BTT -----Battle Technology Team BAN -----Battlefield Account Number BNW -----Battlefield Nuclear Warfare BFP -----Battle Field Period BPV -----Battlefield Planning and Visualization BVT -----Battlefield Video Teleconferencing BVG -----Battlefield Visualization Graphics BBG -----Battleship Battle Group BZU -----Battle Zone Universe BQK -----Baubegleitenden Qualitaetskontrolle BBZ -----Baukologischen Bildungszentrum Bremerhaven BAV -----Bavaria BGJ ----- Bayan Gobi Juulchin Co LTD BMW -----Bayerische Motorenwerke German Bavarian Motor Wor ks BLZ -----Bayerisches Laser Zentrum BCU -----Bayshore Credit Union BYC -----Bayview Yacht Club BWT -----BBroadcast Warning TWX BLJ -----Be Like Jesus BRB -----Be Right Back BRT -----Be Right There BJU -----Beach Jumper Unit BHD -----Beachhead BIC -----Bearer Identification Code BTQ -----Beat To Quarters BFO -----Beat-Frequency Oscillator BPM -----Beats Per Minute BWZ -----Beautiful White Zombie BYV -----Beautiful Young Virgin BNI ----- Bechtel National, Incorporated BNB -----Bed a Nd Breakfast BXB -----Bed and Breakfast BIO -----Bedford Institute of Oceanography BGQ -----Bee Gees Quarterly BKQ -----Bee Keepers Quarterly magazine BCE -----Before Common Era BOY -----Beginning Of Year BMN -----Behavioural Medicine Neurotherapy Clinic BZV -----Beleghafter Zahlungsverkehr BFR -----Belgian FRanc BVD -----Belgische Vereniging voor Documentatie BEL -----Belgium BZD -----Belize Dollar BDN -----Bell Data Network BDO -----Bell Data Network BCI -----Belleville Collegiate Institute BFC -----Belle ville Flying Club BGH -----Belleville General Hospital BPW -----Belleville Public Works BRF -----Below Rig Floor Drilling Industry BKA -----Below the Knee Amputation BTZ -----Below the Treatment Zone BZE -----Below Zero Entertainment BPZ -----Below-the-Primary Zone BWK -----Belt Weather Kit BSU -----Bench Scale Unit BQX -----Bender Quadruplex BNR -----Bengal Nagpur Railway BHC -----Benzene Hexochloride BEZ -----Benzoic Acid BZM -----Ben Zoic acid phenyl Methylester BZT -----Benzo Triazole ZYA -----Benzoyl-Tyrosine-Alanine-Methyl Ketone BZQ -----Benzquinamide BZP -----Benzyl Piperazine BDT -----Berkeley Design Technology BFX -----Berkeley Festival and Exhibition BQS -----Berkeley Quality Software BUJ -----Berkeley Undergraduate Journal BZC -----Berkeley Zen Center BKO -----Berkelium Oxide BYT -----Berkhamsted Youth Theatre BXY -----Berkshire Crossed with Yorkshire BIZ -----Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung BSX -----Bermuda Stock Exchange BJY -----Bernard Johnson Young architects BIK -----Be rner Institut fuer Kinesiologie BQN -----Berufsqualifizierung fuer Nachwuchskraefte BIQ ----- Beschaeftigung-, Industrieflaechenmanagement - und Qualifizierungsgesellschaft BQZ -----Besehaeftigungs und Qualifizierungs BQG -----Besehaeftigungs und Qualifizierungsgesellschaft BAZ -----Best Atom Zeta basis set BBY -----Best Boats Yachting BEJ -----Best Engineering Judgement BEB -----Best Ever Bottled BFF -----Best Friends Forever BPJ -----Best Professional Judgment BXZ -----Beta Chi Zeta BYX -----Beta Upsilon Chi BQA -----Beta-test Questions and Answers BQR -----Beta-test Questions and Responses BUK -----Betrieblich Unterstuetzte Kinderbetreuung BHG -----Better Homes and Gardens BQO -----Better Quasi-Ordering BTL -----Better Than Life BKI ----- Bevilacqua-Knight, Inc P certified public accountants and consultants BBH -----Bouncing Busy Hour BND -----Bound BPX -----Boundary Point of Exit BQP ----- Bounded-probability Quantum Polynomial complexity theory, quantum computing BJW -----Bournemou th Jubilee Wheelers BIV -----Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus BJD -----Bovine Johne s Disease BMV -----Bovine Maedi-like Virus BSE -----Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy BVV -----Bovine Veins Virus BZI -----Bowlers Journal International BOX -----BOXcar railroad BXV -----Boxventilator BSA -----Boy Scouts of America BWS -----Boyfriend Wants Sex BXC -----Boys Cross Country sports team BOP -----Boy s Own Paper BTJ -----Boys Town Jerusalem BYN -----Brachyenteron BFV -----Bradley Fighting Vehicle BLP -----Bragg Light Profile BHP -----Brake Horse Power BDJ -----Branded Drunk Jiggalo BBK -----Brauner-Briggs-Klar Wave Function BZF -----Brazil Fund BGX -----Brazil-Gulf Coast Export BJJ -----Brazilian Jiu Jitsu BFJ -----Bread For the Journey BRK -----Break BBP -----Break Bulk Point BDV -----Break Down Voltage BKR -----Breaker BEP -----Break-Even Point BTB -----Break Through Bleeding BTV -----Break Through Volume BRP -----Breeder Reactor Program BVY -----Breeding Value Yield BUP -----Bremer Universal Player BRG -----Bridge BDX -----Bridge Data Exchange BES -----Bridge Erection Set BVB -----Bridge View Bancorp BLE -----Bridged LAN Emulation BGW -----Bridgehead Gate Way BTG -----Bridging The Gap BDE -----Briga DE BGS -----Brigadier General Staff BRA -----Brigadier Royal Artillery BYU -----Brigham Young University BKF -----Brighton Kite Festival BVZ -----Brig-Visp-Zermatt BLB -----Brillouin-Levy-Berthier theorem BHA -----Brine Handling Area BHN -----Brinell Hardness Number BHT -----Brinell Hardness Test BAB -----Bring A Bottle BUG -----Bring Up Grades BYE -----Bring Your Enemies BYO -----Bring Your Own BYR -----Bring Your Reefers BYY -----Bring Your Young uns BZO -----Brinzolamide BKB -----Brisbane Koala Bushlands KBK -----Brisbane Koala Bushlands BMY -----Bristol-Myers BWW -----Brit World Wide BZL -----Britannia Zinc Limited BAE -----British AErospace BAF -----British Air Force BAA -----British Astronomical Association BBC -----British Broadcasting Corporation BCM -----British Commer cial Monomark BCN -----British Commonwealth of Nations BCS -----British Computer Society BCF -----British Cycling Federation BDA -----British Diabetic Association BDH -----British Drug House BGY -----British Energy BEA -----British Epilepsy Association BEF -----British Expeditionary Force BFI -----British Film Institute UKX -----British Financial Times 100 Index BHF -----British Heart Foundation BHS -----British Home Stores IOT -----British Indian Ocean Territory 086 ISO 3-letter country code BIF -----British Industries Fair BIM -----British Institute of Management BIR -----British Institute of Radiology BJN -----British Journal of Nursing BJO -----British Journal of Ophthalmology BJR -----British Journal of Radiology BJC -----British Junior Chamber BKK -----British Karate Kyokushinkai BLG -----British Light Gun M119 BMA -----British Medical Association BMC -----British Medical Council BMJ -----British Medical Journal BMH -----British Military Hospital BMM -----British Military Mission BNG -----British National Grid BNP -----British National Party BNX -----British Nuclear Executives BNF -----British Nuclear Fuels BNJ -----British Numismatic Journal BOA -----British Olympic Association BOU -----British Ornithologists Union BOC -----British Oxygen Company BPC -----British Pharmaceutical Codex BQF -----British Quality Foundation BRM -----British Racing Motors BRS -----British Road Services BSM -----British School of Motoring BSY -----British School of Yoga BSL -----British Sign Language BSH -----British Society of Hypnotherapists BSW -----British Standard Whitworth type of screw thread BSI -----British Standards Institution BST -----British Summer Time BTX -----British Telecom e Xchange BTA -----British Theatre Association BTU -----British Thermal Unit BTC -----British Transport Commission BVJ -----British Veterinary Journal BVA -----British Vetinary Association BVI -----British Virgin Islands BWM -----British War Medal BWI -----British West Indies historical BWY ----- British Wheel of Yoga BWF -----British Woodworking Federation BYJ -----British Youth Journal BYS -----British Youth Science BZA -----British Zeolite Association BKP -----Broad Key Panel BWN -----Broadband and Wireless Networking Laboratory BFW -----Broadband Fixed Wireless BBI -----Broad Band Interactive BXM -----Broadband Switch Module BGT -----Broadcast and Group Translators BCB -----Broadcast Band BTS -----Broadcast Technology Society IEEE BPG -----Broadcasting Press Guild BKN -----Broken BZB -----Broken Zone Boundary BPO -----Broker Price Opinion BXN -----Bromoxynil BPD -----Bronco Pulmonary Dysplasia BRX -----Bronx BXS -----Bronx X-ray Server BGF -----Brooke Grove Foundation BNL -----Brookhaven National Laboratory BQE -----Brooklyn-Queens Expressway BRO -----brother BKV -----Brotherhood of the Knights of the Vine BCZ -----Brown City Zoo BRW ----- Brown Reynolds Watford Architects, Inc Display comparison Both screens are AMOLEDs with QHD resolution, but they do differ in size The S amsung Galaxy Note 4 has a 5 7 screen, while the Motorola Nexus 6 Binary options gorilla lug fidelity stock trading platform New mooring boats under construction 3 new mooring boats are currently under construction at the shipyard One boat in 9-meter version will be delivered to a Fake News Papers Fake News Videos A Few Abbreviations YMC -----Youth Missionary Corps YMD -----Your Message Dated YMJ -----Yonsei Medical Jorunal YMK -----Yrkesgrupper mot Kaernvapen YML -----Why Markup Language YMM -----Your Mileage May The future of photography Samsung Gear 360 Full Review These 360-degree cameras are a big deal We re in the first generation still, but consider the following ectascy XTD -----Charing Cross -----Tonbridge -----Dover XTE -----Cross-Track Error XTF -----Experimental Transport Grumman Aircraft XTG -----External Transmission Gearing XTH -----Xenon-Tungsten-Halogen XTI -----X-open Transport Interface XTJ -----Telecommunications Market Index XTK -----Cross Track XTL -----Crystal XT M -----X-ray Tomographic Microscopy XTN -----Christian XTO -----X-band Triode Oscillator XTP -----e Xpress Transfer Protocol XTQ -----Extraction from Quark Xpress XTR -----Xray Transition Radiation XTS -----Cross-Tell Simulator XTT -----Xoops Time Tracker XTU -----Xing Tai University XTV -----Exeter Television XTW -----X-band Traveling Wave XTX -----Chi Tau Chi XTY -----Christianity XTZ -----Ecstacy XUA -----Xtreme Universal Alliance XUB -----Circleville, Ohio XUC -----Extended Use Case XUD -----Excess Usage Data XUE -----Ex-Union Executive XUF -----Experimental Utility Grumman Aircraft XUG -----Xbox Users Group XUH -----Ex-University of Hertfordshire XUI 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-----Extreme Volt Modulation XVN -----External Vendor Network XVO -----Extra Virgin Olive-oil XVP -----Xtremely Violent Posse XVQ -----Xwindow Video Compression XVR -----Exchange Voltage Regulator XVS -----Exchange Voltage Signal XVT -----e Xecutive Vector Table XVU -----Xwindow Viewer XVV -----X-axis towards Velocity Vector XVW -----Xernet V ariable Word XVX -----e Xpanded Value e Xperiments XVY -----Seu Jeans de Cara Nova XVZ -----Excessive Voltage-Zener XWA -----Extra-Wide Aperture XWB -----Xerox Wireless Broadband XWC -----Expanded Water Column XWD -----X-Window Dump XWE -----X-treme Wrestling Entertainment XWF -----Xtreme Wrestling Federation XWG -----e Xperimental Working Group XWH -----Class X Wheat Hopper railroad car type XWI -----Xtensa Wrapper Interface XWJ -----Value of world exports of J XWK -----Xworks XWL -----Extreme Water Level XWM -----X-Window Manager XWN -----Westminster Records XWO -----Xtreme Wrestling Order XWP -----Xena the Warrior Princess XWQ -----Iwakuni, 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Christian High School Library XZD -----ITESM Biblioteca Campus Toluca XZE -----Extreme Zone Effect XZF -----ITESM Biblioteca Preparatoria Garza Laguera XZG -----Heritage Christian School Library XZH -----Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library XZI -----Expansion Zone Index XZJ -----ITESM Biblioteca Preparatoria Santa Catarina XZK -----ITESM Biblioteca Prepara toria Garza Sada XZL -----Ex Libris USA XZM -----Exterior Zone Melting XZN -----Smyrna New York Public Library XZO -----Du Quoin Illinois Middle School Library XZP -----Extended Zinc Process XZQ -----Bristol Bay Alaska School Library XZR -----Palmer Alaska Agricultural and Forestry Experimental Station Library XZS -----Indianapolis Indiana Zoological Society Library XZT -----Colony Middle School Library XZU -----Matanuska Susitna College Library XZV -----Palmer Alaska Public Library XZW -----Xtreme Zone Wrestling XZX -----Big Lake Alaska Public Library XZY -----Wasilla Alaska High School Library XZZ -----Wasilla Alaska Public 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The Comma Separated Value CSV File Format. The CSV Comma Separated Value file format is often used to exchange data between disparate applications The file format, as it is used in Microsoft Excel, has become a pseudo standard throughout the industry, even among non-Microsoft platforms. As is the case with most exchange formats since XML, CSV files have become somewhat of a legacy format New applications that wish to include an export format will generally use XML today though there may be exceptions In legacy systems though pre-XML , CSV files had indeed become a de facto industry standard Just as there are still billions of lines of CoBOL code in use today that need to be maintained, support for a legacy standard such as CSV is likely to be required long after it has stopped being implemented in new designs. The CSV File Format. Each record is one line but A record separator may consist of a line feed ASCII LF 0x0A , or a carriage return and line feed pai r ASCII CRLF 0x0D 0x0A but fields may contain embedded line-breaks see below so a record may span more than one line. Fields are separated with commas Example John, Doe,120 any st , Anytown, WW ,08123.Leading and trailing space-characters adjacent to comma field separators are ignored So John Doe resolves to John and Doe , etc Space characters can be spaces, or tabs. Fields with embedded commas must be delimited with double-quote characters In the above example Anytown, WW had to be delimited in double quotes because it had an embedded comma. Fields that contain double quote characters must be surounded by double-quotes, and the embedded double-quotes must each be represented by a pair of consecutive double quotes So, John Da Man Doe would convert to John Da Man, Doe, 120 any st. A field that contains embedded line-breaks must be surounded by double-quotes So. Field 1 Conference room 1 Field 2 John, Please bring the M Mathers file for review - J L Field 3 10 18 2002.would convert to. Conferenc e room 1, John, Please bring the M Mathers file for review - J L ,10 18 2002.Note that this is a single CSV record, even though it takes up more than one line in the CSV file This works because the line breaks are embedded inside the double quotes of the field. Implementation note In Excel, leading spaces between the comma used for a field sepparator and the double quote will sometimes cause fields to be read in as unquoted fields, even though the first non-space character is a double quote To avoid this quirk, simply remove all leading spaces after the field-sepparator comma and before the double quote character in your CSV export files. Fields with leading or trailing spaces must be delimited with double-quote characters So to preserve the leading and trailing spaces around the last name above John , Doe. Usage note Some applications will insist on helping you by removing leading and trailing spaces from all fields regardless of whether the CSV used quotes to preserve them They may also insist on removing leading zeros from all fields regardless of whether you need them One such application is Excel - For some help with this quirk, see the section below entitled Excel vs Leading Zero Space. Fields may always be delimited with double quotes The delimiters will always be discarded. Implementation note When importing CSV, do not reach down a layer and try to use the quotes to impart type information to fields Also, when exporting CSV, you may want to be defensive of apps that improperly try to do this Though, to be honest, I have not found any examples of applications that try to do this If you have encountered any apps that attempt to use the quotes to glean type information from CSV files like assuming quoted fields are strings even if they are numeric , please let me know about it. The first record in a CSV file may be a header record containing column field names There is no mechanism for automatically discerning if the first record is a header row, so in the general ca se, this will have to be provided by an outside process such as prompting the user The header row is encoded just like any other CSV record in accordance with the rules above A header row for the multi-line example above, might be Location, Notes, Start Date. Here is a small set of records that demonstrate some of the constructs discussed above These can be pasted directly into the form provided in the next section to see how our conversion form works. These records show how the CSV format behaves under a variety of conditions, such as using quotes to delimit a field with embedded quotes and embedded commas leaving some fields blank Mr Blankman for example has no First Name field as well as combinations Joan, the bone , Ann for example, who s middle name is included along with her first name and nickname. CSV Unicode. Just to make the point, CSV using a simple ASCII character encoding is quite capable of enclosing pure binary data fields In this case, as long as you don t have any applica tion level software making assumptions about the data in those fields, CSV fields can safely contain all 256 binary octets as basic binary data The binary data may represent utf-16 characters, or it may represent a photograph CSV doesn t care. So there is nothing inherently wrong with using CSV to maintain data written in alternate character encodings such as utf-8 and utf-16 CSV s syntax is durable enough to deal with these encoding schemes Problems arise however in two areas when attempting to transport data of different encodings as plain binary. First, complexity can arise from mixed encoding schemes That is, the encodings of the three characters used by CSV , and line-feed may be the same width as the elemental character widths used in the binary field data, or they may be different For example, utf-8 or utf-16 may be embedded in the fields of any CSV file that uses normal 8 bit characters for comma, quote, and line-feed The CSV file may alternately use utf-16 for its commas, quotes , and line-feeds to enclose binary fields that contain utf-8 encoded characters Such complexity must be dealt with deliberately somewhere by the applications that handle the data in those fields. Problems also arise because the application or display system on which the data is conveyed may not be equipped to handle the encoding, or it may interpret it in unfamiliar ways. The CSV to XML converter form used in this article for example, knows its output comes from an HTML form and goes to XML which must be displayed in a browser s HTML To be compatible with this environment it intentionally converts many 8-bit characters to HTML entities e g amp, quot, etc. This will cause all kinds of problems for character encodings other than the usual ISO-8859-x used for these pages This isn t an incompatibility between CSV and utf-8, it is just an incompatibility between the character encodings used at the different presentation levels. This issue arises in other areas as well Spreadsheet programs will often assume all data in a CSV file is in the OEM s or system s default character encoding and attempt to interpret all characters accordingly. The CSV to XML converter application used here can easily be configured to send output to a binary file with binary, un-cooked characters In this case it will correctly produce the proper CSV for any character-encoding scheme including utf-8 The applications that will be asked to interpret those octets found in the CSV fields will have to know how to deal with them though Also, this application will always use an 8-bit encoding for its CSV delimiter characters, and so may cause mixed encoding confusion when used for wide characters. For a wealth of introductory and advanced information regarding character encoding issues there is a great Tutorial On Character Code Issues on the web You will find this and other helpful links listed on our Links We Like page. CSV to XML Converter Form. The following form will convert your CSV formatted data into XML Please go to our CSV to XML Converter page though, to be sure you are using the most up-to-date version of this facillity. Usage Simply paste your CSV file into the Input area and hit Convert You may also specify the element names for the columns fields along with a name for the document element If you don t specify column names or if you specify too few, those without names will be labeled col n where n is the column number within the record starting from zero If you don t specify a document element name, the document element will be document When your file is finished the XML will display in the Output area Hit the Select button to select it, then use your clipboard to cut and paste it wherever you d like. CSV In New Designs. CSV does have one advantage over XML for specification in new designs CSV has much lower overhead, thereby using much less bandwidth and storage than XML For new designs where overhead issues have high importance or criticality, CSV, or a more robust low-bandwidth alternative, may be the better choice. Especially in requirements that utilize high-cost bandwidth and where large amounts of data must be moved often, CSV may be better specified Hybrid implementations that convert to and from CSV where bandwidth is critical may also be a workable solution in some designs. An even better choice for high-bandwidth designs where CSV compatibility isn t required might be to use a more functional, low-overhead alternative to CSV, such as Creativyst s Table Exchange CTX format. Returning to our CSV-to-XML comparison, the absolute theoretical best advantage for XML is one-letter element names in the XML and every field quoted in the CSV Even with this unrealistic advantage, XML s overhead will be slightly greater than 200 of CSV s Typically though, XML s overhead will be 900 to over 9000 greater than CSV s. This is an apples to apples comparison and so only assumes transfers of regular tables all rows of a column are the same type XML and CSV will both transfer column names In this comparison XML and CSV would both require extra overhead to transfer type data. Please note These numbers and analysis are for overhead only and do not attempt to measure or analyze the entire data file overhead plus data Because there is no typical data field size there is no typical ratio of overhead to data, so such an analysis would be meaningless for comparison purposes. Lastly, when the data is very sparse, XML may be able to make up much of the overhead that CSV will use up in commas though, this is being charitable. A note about compression performance Neither CSV or XML specify compression, they both sit somewhere between the transport presentation layers without dictating the specifics of either However, since compression is often used to improve performance on low bandwidth channels precisely where such a design issue might be considered , it is a good idea to do an apples-to-apples comparison of how compressible the overhead portion of each file type will be. We ll start by using the best case for XML which is a file with one field per a record, and a column name that is one character long This is rather absurd but reduces the problem to onesies to make comparison easy and unambiguous. In this case the overhead for XML will consist of four characters , A, and - assuming the one field s name is A The overhead for CSV on the other hand will consist of only three characters a comma , , a new line n , and the double quote character That makes CSV s overhead a third more redundant, and therefore a third more compressible theoretically than XML. In this comparison XML is given the theoreticaly best case advantage, if you add more fields, each with its own name being added to XML s overhead, the comparison quickly gets much worse for XML. This is purely a theoretical analysis of performance under compression If you would like to do the observational analysis please write to me include your email address so we can discuss it. CSV Format Variations. For the record there is currently no such thing as a standard CSV format news flash in late 2005 somebody did finally register an informational mime-type based on the CSV described in this paper Fortunately for developers however, there is one CSV producing application with international usage that dwarfs all the other CSV producing applications combined That is the format that s been detailed here. The CSV format described in this article has been called the 800 pound gorilla of CSV It is not the prettiest or most technically elegant method by any means But it is the one supported and used by the world s largest software development company For this reason it should be supported by anyone doing serious software development and looking for a universal import export mechanism for data produced. There are many other CSV formats besides the variation described here For many software designs, companies use CSV to transfer data between a number of their own applications and never intend it to be written or read by others In such cases, the variations are almost endless. In other cases, software developers produce their own formats with the expectation that others will adapt One reason for such a design choice, even in the face of the 800 pound gorilla, might be that a much more technically advanced format is not that hard to conceive of. While the temptation might be to go with a more technically proficient format, for those producing new designs, I recommend including CSV support first Why Because this particular CSV format is most likely to be a format your users, and the people they interact with, can use Once you have this CSV support in place, you can always add a technically superior alternative to CSV to your application s capabilities. For those who are developing new designs we recommend following the big hairy one However, taking some simple steps might help to improve how your design inter-operates with many of the non-Excel variations that are out there. The bigges t differences are in how these three characters are handled. Embedded double quotes in fields An escape character is sometimes used to introduce a double quote, or in place of it. Embedded line-feeds in fields This one is also escaped sometimes Often like in C n. Embedded commas in fields Again, an escape character is sometimes used in place of the comma. Theoretically, if you could avoid exporting any fields that include these characters you would greatly improve the chances that your CSV file could be read by variations. Is it worth reducing your application s functionality or convenience No But if the existence of these characters is entirely superfluous, you might consider taking them out. Considerations When Importing CSV. First you d have to consider if extra import options would ever even be used or understood by your typical users Second, you d have to consider whether such extras would be used enough to merit adding the extra complexity to your application and to your development eff ort If and that s a big if you get past these hurdles, there are some options you might consider including, such as. Check if line feeds are n. Check if embedded double quotes are. Excel vs Leading Zero Space. While this article is about CSV, this section is not As mentioned, CSV stands on its own as a data transport format The data it caries is just that, data CSV does not care at all what the data is that is carried in its fields It could be ASCII text, UNICODE text, binary image data, or even executables It just doesn t matter to CSV what s in there. Excel is an application that produces and uses CSV A particular aspect of how Excel uses CSV has become a considerable source of confusion and uncertanty. Excel will always remove leading zeros from fields before displaying them It will also always remove leading spaces It insists on helping you, even if removing these leading zeros will, for example, cause your numerically keyed records to sort out of order. There is a solution. If you have a table for export in which leading zeros and spaces have significance AND that file will only be viewed in Excel, then you can use an Excel spe cific convention in those fields where leading zeros or spaces should be preserved in Excel. To implement this fix, double quote each field with leading zeros or spaces and place an equals sign directly ahead of the first quote, like this. A quirk in Excel allows you to put this particular field in your CSV file without the quoting rules discussed above e g john, 08075,la Because this csv file will be for Excel only you could take advantage of that quirk if you really wanted to. But Postel s Law says we should quote it according to the rules, even though we know it will be accepted in Excel without the quotes So the field we ve modified above will be further encoded according to the normal CSV rules, just like any other field when the CSV file is created. But the solution has a caveat. You can t just use this special field modification all the time if you are exporting tables that may be used in applications other than Excel In many applications the extra equals sign and double quotes will simply be interpretted as corrupted data. Even in Excel, there will be times when you will want to treat numbers as numbers The modification discussed here will force Excel to treat numbers as formulas that return strings not numbers. If you are exporting tables for general use that you know will often be viewed in Excel, you should probably provide a checkbox that the user making the export can check if he or she wishes to make Excel - only CSV files with preserved leading characters. If you are one of the many Apple owners that use this popular spreadsheet program, you ll need to ignore Postel s Law and use the first form of the workaround shown above thanks Chris This demonstrates that few rules-of-thumb come completely without exceptions. This article i s Copyright, Creativyst, Inc 2002 - 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Links to this article are always welcome. However, you may not copy, modify, or distribute this work or any part of it without first obtaining express written permission from Creativyst, Inc Production and distribution of derivative products, such as displaying this content along with directly related content in a common browser view are expressly forbidden. Those wishing to obtain permission to distribute this article or derivatives in any form should contact Creativyst. Permissions printed over any code, DTD, or schema files are supported as our permission statement for those constructs.
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